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<br /> OPT Short Range Transit Plan <br /> <br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 5-4 <br /> <br /> <br />Regional Vanpool Programs <br />This recommendation would expand <br />the existing vanpool program, which is <br />currently operated through GoTriangle, <br />by funding a pilot program to subsidize <br />vanpools for Orange County residents. <br />Vans would be provided to self- <br />organized vanpool groups based on <br />common origins and destinations. <br />Funding marketing initiatives through <br />major employers or community <br />organizations is a key strategy for <br />raising awareness of the program and <br />encouraging users to participate. <br />Vanpool programs would provide <br />alternative commute modes for Orange County residents without adding significant operating <br />costs for the agency. Annual costs per van range from approximately $13,000 to $20,000, <br />depending on the size of the van and the distance travelled by the vanpool. GoTriangle currently <br />provides annual subsidies of $3,600 to $4,800 per van, and offering an additional subsidy for <br />Orange County residents would help make the service more attractive to new users. <br />Community Van Programs <br />Similar to regional vanpool <br />programs, community van <br />programs are a low cost <br />method for improving access <br />to jobs and services from rural <br />areas by providing a <br />supplemental service to <br />enhance accessibility. This <br />recommendation would call <br />for OPT to provide low-cost <br />capital improvements in the <br />form of vans, which would be <br />leased to government agencies <br />and non-profit groups in the community. In effect, this program would create partnerships with <br />community organizations including senior centers, social service agencies, and other non-profit <br />organizations to provide transportation options for their members or constituencies. By <br />purchasing and maintaining a small fleet of leased vans, OPT can help provide connections to <br />vital services for the community without adding significant operating costs. <br />Demand Response Zones <br />It is recommended that demand response service be operated in three distinct zones in rural areas <br />of the county in order to fill in service gaps left by van programs. There is currently funding <br />available to operate service in these zones two days per week for five hours per day with one <br />vehicle. This level of service provides connections for transit dependent populations; however,