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<br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 5-1 <br />5 SERVICE PRIORITIZATION <br />The rural nature of much of Orange County necessitates a refined approach to providing transit <br />based on limited resources and the diverse needs of the community. As such, recommendations <br />identified for OPT identify and prioritize rural services that combine to provide a transit network <br />designed for local operating conditions. The prioritized recommendations described in this <br />chapter are intended to provide the maximum benefit within current funding levels and make <br />improvements should additional funding become available. <br />PRIORITIZATION PROCESS <br />To provide successful transit service in rural areas, a “family of services” approach is <br />recommended to tailor transit service to specific rider needs and Orange County’s low-density <br />operating environment. Providing rural service cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach; <br />additionally, available funding is a constraint that can limit the level and type of service provided. <br />In Orange County, transit improvements must be carefully considered to provide the most cost <br />effective benefits and form a complete system to best meet the needs of the community. <br />Recommended improvements for OPT were prioritized to provide access to jobs from rural areas, <br />respond to public feedback by expanding service hours and improving frequency on existing <br />routes, and improving connections between Mebane, Efland, and Hillsborough. A summary of <br />these improvements is provided in Figure 5-1. <br />Van programs and zone service are prioritized first as low-cost strategies for providing <br />connections to jobs and services from rural areas. Improving local circulation and connections <br />between key destinations that are capable of supporting fixed-route transit emerged as the next <br />priorities. After providing connections to Alamance County and improving service in <br />Hillsborough, improving the frequency and service span of existing services to provide all day <br />connections between Hillsborough and Chapel Hill are a priority. Finally, should sufficient <br />resources become available, providing new fixed-route services between additional key <br />destinations including Durham, Cedar Grove, and White Cross, as well as improving transit <br />amenities in Hillsborough, round out the identified priorities and transit improvement strategies <br />for the OPT system. <br />The proposed system map is shown in Figure 5-2. The remainder of the chapter describes each of <br />the recommended improvements in additional detail, as well as providing cost estimates for each <br />service type.