Orange County NC Website
<br /> OPT Short Range Transit Plan <br /> <br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 4-5 <br /> <br /> <br />Volunteer Driver Programs <br />Volunteer Driver Programs provide agency funding for volunteer drivers to provide <br />transportation to friends, family members, or neighbors. These drivers can be reimbursed at a per <br />mile rate and may be organized to provide service to specific customers (seniors, people with <br />disabilities, limited income, human service agency clients) or the general public. <br />Figure 4-7 Volunteer Driver Programs May Provide a Variety of Services <br />Transportation Vouchers <br />Transportation vouchers are a method to subsidize the cost of a ride, regardless of service type. <br />These programs may be used to reduce the cost of fixed-route, dial-a-ride, or paratransit services <br />for vulnerable populations. Voucher programs are commonly used to supplement or serve as <br />paratransit service. The Taxi Scrip program in King County, WA, for example, provides a 50% <br />discount on select local taxi companies for eligible low-income seniors and people with <br />disabilities.