Orange County NC Website
<br /> OPT Short Range Transit Plan <br /> <br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 4-4 <br /> <br /> <br />Van Programs <br />Vanpool <br />Vanpools are subsidized ridesharing programs for groups with similar commute patterns. <br />Vanpools are generally self-organized but may receive assistance from an employer to oversee <br />vanpool formation. Vans, which are owned or administered by the transit agency, are provided to <br />the vanpool for individual members to operate as vanpool drivers. Individual fares may vary <br />based on mileage and the number of riders participating in the vanpool. Vanpools may be an <br />appropriate service type for areas with sufficient travel demand but low residential densities. <br />Figure 4-6 Existing GoTriangle Vanpool Vehicle <br />Community Van Programs <br />In Community Van Programs, vans are leased directly to qualifying non-profit or government <br />agencies, which use the vans to provide transportation services to their individual constituencies. <br />These programs are designed to enhance economic development and enable social service <br />functions within the community. Potential agencies that would use Community Van Programs <br />could include human service agencies, the Orange County Department on Aging, and the Orange <br />County Department of Social Services. <br />Worker/Driver Programs <br />Worker/Driver Programs are premium commuter services in which an employee is trained as a <br />bus operator to transport other employees to and from their employment site using an agency <br />vehicle. This service type requires accommodations for bus storage during the day and may be an <br />appropriate service type for large employers. Worker/Driver Programs to serve the Puget Sound <br />Naval Shipyard in Washington State provide a successful example of this type of program.