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<br /> OPT Short Range Transit Plan <br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 3-10 <br /> <br /> <br />PHASE II OUTREACH <br />As part of Phase II outreach, three public meetings were held in Cedar Grove, Efland, and <br />Hillsborough in September 2018 to gather additional feedback from customers (Figure 3-11). The <br />outreach process also consisted of an online survey asking respondents to prioritize <br />recommended improvements to the system, along with the option of providing open-ended <br />comments. The online survey was open for public comment from early September through early <br />October 2018 and received 33 responses. <br />Figure 3-11 Phase II Public Meetings <br />Date Place Address <br />9/18/2018 Cedar Grove Community Center 5800 NC-86N, Hillsborough <br />9/19/2018 Efland-Cheeks Community Center 117 Richmond Rd, Efland <br />9/20/2018 Orange County West Campus 131 W Margaret Ln, Hillsborough <br />Key Findings <br />ƒThe top priority improvements for survey respondents were improving local circulation in <br />Hillsborough and providing connections to Chapel Hill. <br />Improvement Prioritization <br />The online survey was used to gather input from the community about which recommendations <br />are most important. Respondents were asked to select their five highest priority <br />recommendations. <br />As shown in Figure 3-12, a full 70% of respondents selected the Hillsborough Circulator or the <br />Additional Hillsborough Circulator Route as one of their top five priorities. This indicates that for <br />OPT users, local circulation within Hillsborough is a key priority. The Orange-Chapel Hill Midday <br />Connector was also highly prioritized, with 67% of respondents selecting it as a priority. <br />There was less support for the other recommendations, with zone service, transit amenities, and <br />the Orange-Alamance Connector receiving support from 43%, 37%, and 37% of respondents, <br />respectively. The Cedar Grove Peak Connector and the White Cross Commuter Service received <br />the least amount of support, 13% and 10% respectively, indicating that providing fixed-route <br />service to these locations is not a high priority for survey respondents.