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<br /> OPT Short Range Transit Plan <br /> <br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 3-2 <br /> <br /> <br />ƒMore weekday or Saturday frequency is a high priority for both transit users and non- <br />transit users. Non-transit users’ priorities are focused on service alignments moving <br />closer to their homes and jobs, while transit users focus on improving service and <br />extending service later in the evening. <br />Survey Results <br />GoTriangle Users and OPT Users <br />Survey responses were analyzed separately for respondents who identified as “OPT Users” and <br />“GoTriangle Users” to identify unique priorities and preferences between the two services. <br />GoTriangle Users and OPT Users are defined as anyone who indicated that they use the service on <br />a regular basis, not anyone who exclusively uses the service (i.e., GoTriangle Users may also use <br />Chapel Hill Transit, and OPT Users may also use GoTriangle). This distinction was made to avoid <br />a small sample size for exclusive OPT Users (N = 4). <br />Overall Results <br />Why or Why Not Use Transit? <br />When asked why respondents choose to use means of transportation other than transit (Figure <br />3-2), the most common response was that the schedules don’t match their needs (62%), the <br />service takes too long (62%) and the service is inconvenient (38%). This indicates that <br />convenience and timeliness are important factors when deciding to take transit or not. <br />The majority of respondents indicated that they take transit for financial reasons (Figure 3-3), <br />including parking is too expensive/unavailable (65%) and they save money riding the bus (61%). <br />Forty eight percent of respondents indicated they take transit to avoid traffic congestion, and 45% <br />take transit because it is a better use of time. This suggests that the two primary reasons <br />respondents take transit is for financial savings and more productive use of their commute.