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3PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT <br />This chapter provides an overview of the key themes and takeaways from Phase I and Phase II <br />outreach related to the OPT SRTP process. Phase I outreach was primarily targeted at gauging <br />perceptions of the existing transit network and priorities for service improvements. This phase <br />was used to develop potential service improvements, which were evaluated during Phase II <br />outreach. Phase II outreach was targeted at addressing how the public perceived proposed <br />changes to the transit system to develop a prioritized list of proposed future service <br />improvements. <br />Open-ended comments for both Phase I and Phase II outreach are contained in Appendix A. <br />PHASE I OUTREACH <br />In addition to three public meetings conducted in November 2017 in Efland, Hillsborough, and <br />Cedar Grove (Figure 3-1), Phase I outreach consisted of the GoTriangle-OPT Transit System <br />Survey, a joint survey used to discern priorities and preferences for transit riders using both <br />GoTriangle and OPT services. Where practical, survey respondents were separated into <br />GoTriangle riders and OPT riders. The online survey was open for public comment from late <br />September through the end of November 2017. Nearly 550 individual responses were gathered, <br />42 of whom identified as OPT users. <br />Figure 3-1 Phase I Public Meetings <br />Date Place Address <br />11/13/2017 Efland-Cheeks Community Center 117 Richmond Rd, Efland <br />11/14/2017 Orange County West Campus 131 Margaret Ln, Hillsborough <br />11/21/2017 Cedar Grove Community Center 5800 NC-86N, Hillsborough <br />Key Findings <br />ƒThe highest priorities for OPT riders were improving weekday and Saturday service <br />frequency and providing later evening service. <br />ƒAdditional priorities include more park-and-ride availability and more frequent service at <br />night and/or Sundays. <br />ƒThe primary reasons OPT users ride the bus is because parking is too <br />expensive/unavailable and to save money. <br />ƒSchedules not matching riders’ needs and the service taking too long are the main reasons <br />OPT riders don’t use transit.