Orange County NC Website
<br /> OPT Short Range Transit Plan <br /> <br />Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates, Inc. | 2-2 <br /> <br /> <br />TRANSIT IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />Orange County is primarily characterized by rural development, with the majority of the county <br />outside of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area developed at fewer than three jobs per acre and fewer <br />than seven people acre. This low density development presents challenges for sustaining ridership <br />for traditional fixed-route transit services and is best suited for demand-response type of services. <br />One method utilized in Orange County to “create density” is the provision of park-and-ride <br />facilities. Outside of Chapel Hill-Carrboro, there are two park-and-ride lots, including in Mebane <br />and at the Durham Tech Orange County. These facilities support regional transit service to <br />Durham County and to Chapel Hill. <br />On-Demand dial-a-ride transit, like OPT’s Elderly/Disabled Medical Transportation and Senior <br />Center Transportation services, provides lifeline services for those unable to drive in Orange <br />County. <br />DOCUMENT REVIEW <br />2015 Orange County Public Transportation Assessment Study <br />The 2015 Orange County Public Transportation Assessment Study is a comprehensive review of <br />the current conditions, costs, funding, existing and planned services, and organizational structure <br />for OPT. The assessment found that OPT has significantly improved its administration and <br />management over the past several years due to restructuring and emphasizing planning, data <br />reporting, and ensuring compliance with federal regulations. <br />The emphasis on data reporting and record keeping resulted in more accurate ridership and <br />operating cost estimates. The assessment proposes additional service expansion to provide more <br />hours and days of service in rural areas and to provide more specialized demand response service <br />to address the needs of the aging baby-boomer population. Additional planned services include: <br />ƒRural Zone Route-Deviation Services <br />ƒLater Senior Center Service <br />ƒEfland-Hillsborough Commuter Loop Service <br />ƒRoute 420 Expansion <br />The assessment also recommends further reorganization to move OPT operations out of the <br />Planning and Inspections Department and into its own Transit Department. This proposed <br />reorganization would also require a dedicated staff member to provide ongoing transit planning <br />support either through a new hire or reclassifying an existing comprehensive planner.