Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Bonnie Hammersley, Orange County Manager <br /> Board of County Commissioners <br /> CC: Travis Myren, Orange County Deputy Manager <br /> FROM: Craig Benedict, Orange County Planning Director <br /> Jim Northup, Information Technologies Director <br /> Quintana Stewart, Health Director <br /> DATE: January 22, 2019 <br /> SUBJECT: BOCC Information Item- Land Management Central Permitting <br /> Software (LMCPS) Status/Update <br /> The purpose of this memo is to provide an update to the county commissioners and public <br /> on the `GoLive' process for LMCPS. <br /> The Land Management Central Permitting Software (LMCPS) is a system of processes <br /> and data to support the County services for land management planning projects, permits, <br /> inspections, code enforcement and licensing/registrations. This includes the departments <br /> of Planning & Inspections (divisions: Planning, Erosion Control/Stormwater, Building), <br /> Environmental Health (well/septic, restaurants), Emergency Services/Fire Marshall, Solid <br /> Waste and Tax Department (Land Records). The system integrates the county planning <br /> and permitting processes into a streamlined architecture that is managed by staff and <br /> seen from the customer perspective as one project and a one-source for direction and <br /> status. It includes all supporting activities, processes, data and interfaces to other County <br /> systems (tax and finance). The software will promote face-to-face customer service, as <br /> well as, web based communication with the overall process. <br /> The high-level system diagram (Attachment 1) is helpful in showing how the proposed <br /> system architecture interfaces with external systems to present a more cohesive view to <br /> customers. <br /> This multi-year project replaces 18 year old software and will be implemented in February <br /> with further online enhancements in coming months. The departments involved <br /> Information Technologies, Planning & Inspections, Health, Emergency Services and <br /> Tax/Land records. This project was fully funded in Fiscal Year 2016 and is currently on <br /> budget. <br /> If you have any questions please call Jim Northup 919-245-2276, Craig Benedict 919-245- <br /> 2592 or Quintana Stewart 919-245-2412. <br /> Attachments: <br /> 1. LMCPS Architecture <br /> 2. GoLive Draft Notice <br /> 3. Powerpoint <br />