Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 12/19/18 <br /> Date Revised: 01/15/19 <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that 2/5/2019 Donna Baker To be pursued for February 5, <br /> the Board consider a proclamation honoring Nate Davis for 2019 regular meeting <br /> 48 years of service to the Town of Chapel Hill and <br /> community efforts <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price, 2/19/2019 Todd McGee Information to be pursued and <br /> seconded by Commissioner McKee, that the Board item potentially scheduled for <br /> recognize the Orange High School FFA for its success and February 5, 2019 regular meeting <br /> upcoming national competition if feasible <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that 3/1/2019 Commissioner Commissioner Price to work <br /> the Board go on record opposing the potential privatization Price &Donna with staff <br /> of alcohol sales in the state Baker <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Rich that the 2/28/2019 Travis Myren County staff to confer with <br /> Board receive an update on the planning and time schedule Town of Hillsborough staff <br /> for the Hillsborough train station <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Rich that the 2/1/2019 Chair/Vice DONE <br /> Board receive an update on the final plans and make-up for Chair/Manager Staff provided email update on <br /> the Wegman's project Steve Brantley 12/19/18 <br /> 12/18/18 Provide additional demographics breakdown on voters from 2/1/2019 Chair/Vice DONE <br /> November 2018 election as discussed Chair/Manager <br /> Rachel Raper <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Greene that 4/1/2019 Sherrill County staff has conferred with <br /> staff confer with Town of Chapel Hill Housing Authority Hampton, Town of Chapel Hill staff, <br /> and others to review policies to potentially more closely Bonnie proposal to direct to the HOME <br /> align the County and town policies including treatment of Hammersley Collaborative <br /> clients with criminal background issues <br /> 12/18/18 Schedule Board discussion on BOCC members service on 11/1/2019 Donna Baker Item to be scheduled for Board <br /> advisory boards and commissions, specifically addressing Greg Wilder discussion in Fall 2019 <br /> the terms to be served <br />