Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 12/19/18 <br /> Date Revised: 01/15/19 <br /> BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions <br /> (Individuals with a*by their name are the lead facilitators for the group of individuals responsible for an item) <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request that the BOCC provide 2/28/2019 Brennan Bouma Staff to investigate and provide <br /> comments regarding Duke Energy's Integrated Resource information to Manager and <br /> Plan Board <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request the follow-up occur regarding 3/28/2019 Craig Benedict Information on standard <br /> request that the County revise the current flag provisions in Michael Harvey memorial flag sizes to be <br /> the Unified Development Ordinance to allow the flying of pursued and shared with the <br /> memorial flags which exceed the maximum flag size Board <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request that follow-up occur to review 2/28/2019 Dinah Jeffries, Staff to provide memo to Board <br /> possible solutions to decrease emergency medical services Kim Woodward, <br /> response time in the northern part of the County, including &Kirby <br /> potential underutilized facility and stationing of ambulances Saunders <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner McKee that 2/5/2019 Travis Myren GoTriangle scheduled for <br /> the Board request a presentation from GoTriangle on the GoTriangle Staff presentation at February 5, 2019 <br /> parameters and costs of the light rail project in light of regular meeting <br /> proposed new tunneling in Durham <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Dorosin that 5/2/2019 Bonnie Board to receive initial <br /> the Board consider as part of the 2019-20 budget Hammersley, presentation in March 2019; To <br /> establishing an in-house attorney position to help residents Brenda be reviewed as potential position <br /> address drivers license restoration and traffic court debt Bartholomew& as part of the Manager's <br /> matters John Roberts Recommended 2019-20 budget <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Dorosin that 3/1/2019 Craig Benedict Contact with OWASA to occur <br /> staff contact OWASA about gray water use and policies and Howard Fleming and Information Item to be <br /> that staff provide follow-up information to the Board provided <br /> 12/18/18 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that 1/22/2019 Bonnie DONE <br /> staff follow-up to determine if the Pat Sanford Award will Hammersley Animal Services Director has <br /> be discussed at a Board of Commissioners meeting Bob Marotto provided Information Item for <br /> January 22, 2019 regular meeting <br />