Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, it is understood and agreed that: (1) the EASEMENT herein <br /> granted is for facilities to be installed at any point where needed on the above-referenced land of GRANTOR, portions of <br /> which facilities may be installed immediately, and other portions installed in the future as the need develops; (2) said <br /> facilities shall be installed and/or relocated at locations mutually agreeable to the parties hereto; and (3) DEP agrees to <br /> promptly repair, at DEP's expense, any damages solely and directly resulting from DEP's maintenance or operational <br /> work, and to restore to the fullest extent practical the surface of GRANTOR'S property to substantially the same condition <br /> said property was in immediately preceding any work, ordinary wear and tear, and casualty excepted; provided, however, <br /> that in exercising said rights DEP agrees: (i) to install all anchors and guy wires permitted hereunder as close as <br /> practicable, in DEP's reasonable judgment, to the aforesaid easement area; (ii) that except in emergencies (as <br /> determined by DEP in its sole discretion), or to comply with any regulatory requirements, to use existing roads and paths <br /> to access said easement area, unless DEP determines, in its reasonable judgment, that such access is impracticable; and <br /> (iii)to conduct all work permitted hereunder in a professional and workmanlike manner. <br /> DEP acknowledges that GS 14-208.18 provides that it is unlawful for any person required to register as a sex <br /> offender under North Carolina law to knowingly be on a school site, and the violation of this law is a felony by the <br /> registered sex offender. In recognition of this law, DEP agrees not to assign any work that has to be performed in any <br /> easement area on property owned by the Board to any person known by DEP to be required to register as a sex offender <br /> as defined in G.S. 14-208.18 <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said rights, privilege, and easement unto DEC, its successors, licensees, and assigns, <br /> forever, and GRANTOR, for itself, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, covenants to and with <br /> DEC that GRANTOR is the lawful owner of the Property and the Easement Area in fee and has the right to convey said <br /> rights and Easement. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this EASEMENT has been executed by GRANTOR and is effective as of the Effective <br /> Date herein. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> By: <br /> Penny Rich, Chair, <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board <br /> (Affix Official Seal) <br />