Orange County NC Website
Fire Department Fee Schedule Town of Chapel Hill,NC <br /> 8 <br /> OPERATIONAL PERMITS DESCRIPTION TERM 2018-19 <br /> PERMIT FEE <br /> 9 To manufacture, process, blend, or refine 365 days $50 <br /> flammable or combustible liquids y <br /> To engage in the dispensing of liquid fuels <br /> into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles at <br /> 10 commercial, industrial, governmental, or 365 days $50 <br /> manufacturing establishments (Gas <br /> Station) <br /> To utilize a site for the dispensing of liquid <br /> fuels from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks <br /> 11 of motor vehicles, marine craft, and other 365 days $50 <br /> special equipment at commercial, <br /> industrial, governmental or manufacturing <br /> establishments. <br /> Floor Finishing To finish or surface a floor exceeding 350 sq. Per site $50 <br /> ft. using Class I or Class II liquids <br /> To operate a fruit or crop ripening facility <br /> Fruit and Crop Ripening or conduct a fruit-ripening process using 365 days $50 <br /> ethylene gas <br /> Operating a business of fumigation or thermal <br /> Fumigation and insecticidal fogging and to maintain a room, 365 days $50 <br /> Insecticidal Fogging vault, or chamber in which a toxic or flammable <br /> fumigant is used <br /> To store, transport on site, dispense, use, or <br /> Hazardous Materials handle hazardous materials in excess of the 365 days $50 <br /> amounts listed in Table 105.6.20 of the NC Fire <br /> Code. <br /> HPM Facilities To store, handle, or use hazardous producing 365 days $50 <br /> materials <br /> To use a building or portion thereof as a high- <br /> High-Piled Storage piled storage area exceeding 500 sq. ft. 365 days $50 <br /> To conduct Hot Work Operations including <br /> Hot Work Operations cutting, welding, grinding, application of roof 60 days $50 <br /> coverings with the use of open flame, or other <br /> operations determined by the Fire Marshal <br /> Industrial Ovens To operate an industrial oven as regulated by 365 days $50 <br /> Chapter 21 of the NC Fire Code <br /> Lumber Yards and To store or process lumber exceeding 100,000 365 days $50 <br /> Woodworking Plants board feet <br /> Liquid- or Gas-fueled To display, operate, or demonstrate liquid- or <br /> Vehicles in Assembly gas-fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly 30 days $50 <br /> Buildings buildings <br /> 3 of 7 11/09/2018, 10:23 AM <br />