Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 Emily is currently working on a fiction novel. She also copyedits academic papers and fiction <br /> 2 writing. She advocates for self-publishing and welcomes the new opportunities authors have in <br /> 3 the digital age. Emily lives in Hillsborough, where you can often see her bicycling through town. <br /> 4 She serves on the board of the Eno River Farmers Market. Her favorite things include letters <br /> 5 sent through the mail, Made-in-the-USA knee socks, and very dark Fair Trade chocolate. She is <br /> 6 also passionate about recycling. <br /> 7 Emily Buehler read a short scene from her bicycle memoir, where she is in the Bitterroot <br /> 8 Valley in western Montana in July, during very hot weather with minimal shade. She said she <br /> 9 and her friend Mary arrived in the town of Darby and decided to stop for the night. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 2. Public Comments <br /> 12 <br /> 13 a. Matters not on the Printed Agenda <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Scott Washington said he is a Public Historian, Former Assistant Director of the <br /> 16 Orange County Historical Museum, and Organizer of the annual Bill of Rights Day <br /> 17 Community Bell Ringing Event in Orange County, NC, Birthplace of the Bill of Rights in <br /> 18 Hillsborough's Historic Merchant District. He invited all of the Commissioners to come <br /> 19 out on Saturday, December 15, 2018, at 12:00 Noon in front of the historic 1845 <br /> 20 courthouse (104 East King Street, Hillsborough to "Bring Bells, Ring Bells" for 227 <br /> 21 seconds (3 minutes, 47 seconds) in Hillsborough's Historic Merchant District to celebrate <br /> 22 Bill of Rights Day to mark the 227th anniversary of when the first ten amendments to the <br /> 23 U. S. Constitution, the ones we call the Bill of Rights, went into force protecting <br /> 24 Americans essential freedoms on that day on December 15, 1791. He reviewed the <br /> 25 following information: <br /> 26 <br /> 27 The seventh annual community Bell Ringing event will be held in in Hillsborough to mark Bill of <br /> 28 Rights Day. Bells will sound from area churches, historic sites. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Historic Bells will also ring simultaneously from the belfries of five of the area's historic churches <br /> 31 whose buildings date back to the 18th and 19th centuries (Dickerson Chapel AME, First Baptist <br /> 32 of Hillsborough, Hillsborough Presbyterian, Hillsborough United Methodist, St. Matthews <br /> 33 Episcopal) and in front of the 1845 historic courthouse on King Street and the 1771 Regulator <br /> 34 Historic Site. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Unique in the nation, 2018 marks the seventh year that Community Bell Ringing has been done <br /> 37 to mark Bill of Rights Day in Orange County, Birthplace of the Bill of Rights. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Started by Scott Washington, Public Historian and former Assistant Director of the Orange <br /> 40 County Historical Museum back in 2012, this event has become a popular fun educational and <br /> 41 meaningful way to mark the last great American holiday of the calendar year. It's also the <br /> 42 shortest, too. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 This is a non-partisan event. There are no speeches, only the sounds of bells of all sizes ringing <br /> 45 at the same time, celebrating Bill of Rights Day and giving new meaning to the age-old refrain, <br /> 46 "Let Freedom Ring." <br /> 47 <br /> 48 b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> 49 (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> 50 below.) <br />