Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Board Organization <br /> 3 <br /> 4 a. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair <br /> 5 <br /> 6 VOTE: 7-0 For Chair: Commissioner Rich <br /> 7 VOTE: 7-0 For Vice Chair: Commissioner Price <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Chair Rich thanked Commissioner Dorosin for his service as chair, noting she learned a <br /> 10 great deal from him. <br /> 11 Commissioner Price said she is looking forward to this opportunity. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 b. Designation of Voting Delegate for all North Carolina Association of County <br /> 14 Commissioners (NCACC) and National Association of Counties (NACo) Meetings <br /> 15 for Calendar Year December 1, 2018-2019 <br /> 16 <br /> 17 A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Marcoplos to <br /> 18 appoint Commissioner Dorosin to the NCACC for Calendar Year December 1, 2018-2019. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Commissioner Price volunteered to serve at the NACo representative for Calendar Year <br /> 23 December 1, 2018-2019. Commissioner McKee seconded. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 26 <br /> 27 1. Additions or Changes to the Agenda <br /> 28 Commissioner Price asked if staff could provide an update on light rail. <br /> 29 Bonnie Hammersley said she would work with staff to provide an update on this item <br /> 30 under her comments later in the meeting. <br /> 31 Commissioner Price asked to move up Item 11-a -Appointments to the Orange County <br /> 32 Justice Advisory Council to Item 4-e. <br /> 33 The Board agreed by consensus. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 PUBLIC CHARGE <br /> 36 The Chair dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Katie Murray, Arts Commission Director, introduced Emily Buehler for the evening arts <br /> 39 moment: <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Arts Moment—As a child, Emily Buehler wanted to be an artist, but she ended up studying <br /> 42 chemistry. She attended graduate school at UNC, and then became a bread baker at Weaver <br /> 43 Street Market, where she quickly noticed how much chemistry is involved in making bread. <br /> 44 Teaching bread class for The Artscenter, where students responded enthusiastically to <br /> 45 discussions of science, inspired Emily to write Bread Science, a book about the science and <br /> 46 craft of baking, written in understandable language. She realized her childhood inklings had <br /> 47 been correct, and she was meant to be a writer. Emily's second book, Somewhere and <br /> 48 Nowhere, is a memoir of a bicycle trip from New Jersey to Oregon that explores the benefits of <br /> 49 living in the present moment. Self-help author Ragini Michaels describes the book as "An <br /> 50 enjoyable and worthy read for anyone interested in living a more balanced and happy life." <br />