Orange County NC Website
33 <br /> 1 d. Resolution of Approval —Adopt Best Management Practices for Roadsides and Utility <br /> 2 Rights-of-Way that Benefit Pollinators and Native Plants in Orange County, NC <br /> 3 The Board approved a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to implement voluntary <br /> 4 roadside and utility rights-of-way best management practices that will increase the visibility, <br /> 5 enjoyment, and conservation of pollinators and native plants along the roadways and utility <br /> 6 rights-of-way in Orange County and authorized the Chair to sign. <br /> 7 e. Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) —Approval of Membership <br /> 8 and Capacity Numbers <br /> 9 The Board approved November 15, 2018 membership and capacity numbers for both school <br /> 10 districts (Orange County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools) which will be used in <br /> 11 developing 10-year student membership projections and the 2019 SAPFO Technical Advisory <br /> 12 Committee (SAPFOTAC) Report. <br /> 13 f. Agreement with the State for Federal Assistance <br /> 14 The Board approved an agreement with the State of North Carolina for assistance related to the <br /> 15 recovery from the September 14-17, 2018 Hurricane Florence Incident and authorized the Chair <br /> 16 to sign. <br /> 17 g. Designation of Orange County Agent for FEMA Public Assistance <br /> 18 The Board designated an agent for Orange County's application for FEMA's Public Assistance <br /> 19 for the recovery related to Hurricane Florence, September 14-17, 2018 and authorized the <br /> 20 Chair to sign. <br /> 21 h. Service Renewal with Spectrum for Connecting County Buildings with Network <br /> 22 Services and Dedicated Internet Access <br /> 23 The Board approved a Service Renewal between Orange County and Charter Communications <br /> 24 Operating, LLC for network services and upgrade of Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) from <br /> 25 200Mbs to 500Mbps and authorized the Manager to sign. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 9. County Manager's Report <br /> 28 Bonnie Hammersley noted the information items on the agenda, particularly the <br /> 29 Memorandum on Unified Development Ordinance text amendment clarifying enforcement of <br /> 30 Nutrient Standards. She said this has come to the BOCC in the past as an abstract, and the <br /> 31 Board approved the Planning Board to proceed in this process. She said this is under <br /> 32 information items simply to inform the Board that this is going forward as a text amendment, <br /> 33 and not that it has been completed. <br /> 34 Bonnie Hammersley introduced Orange County's new Child Support Director Erica <br /> 35 Bryant. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> 38 John Roberts said in addition to the well-reported bills that the General Assembly (GA) <br /> 39 passed (elections and voter ID) the legislature also revisited some statutory requirements and <br /> 40 technical aspects in a technical corrections bill. He said this impacts local governments as the <br /> 41 GA eliminated the requirement for cable/telecom services to provide evidence and maps of how <br /> 42 many households they skip over in their service areas. He said the Republican legislator who <br /> 43 pushed that indicated that in the upcoming long session they will put forward a bill that will <br /> 44 replace that and be better than what was being used. He said they clarified that local <br /> 45 governments cannot require new or increased stormwater controls for preexisting <br /> 46 developments, and that that has to go in stormwater ordinances, and they further restricted <br /> 47 town's ability to impose fees for the review of small cell applications. <br /> 48 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the Governor has signed the technical corrections bill <br /> 49 yet. <br />