Orange County NC Website
32 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 3 Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> 4 <br /> 5 8-d Resolution of Approval —Adopt Best Management Practices for Roadsides and <br /> 6 Utility Rights-of-Way that Benefit Pollinators and Native Plants in Orange County, NC <br /> 7 The Board considered voting to approve a resolution to implement voluntary roadside <br /> 8 and utility rights-of-way best management practices that will increase the visibility, enjoyment, <br /> 9 and conservation of pollinators and native plants along the roadways and utility rights-of-way in <br /> 10 Orange County and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Commissioner Greene read the item, and said this has been a discussion that has gone <br /> 13 on for a long time. She invited Johnny Randall to come forward. <br /> 14 Johnny Randall, Botanical Gardens, said he has had great interest in this topic for a <br /> 15 long time, and Orange County is taking a leadership role in the right-of-ways (ROWs). He said <br /> 16 he hopes this will be a model that the rest of the State can follow. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price thanked Johnny Randall for sticking with this over the years. <br /> 18 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if it is difficult to work with the utility companies on this. <br /> 19 Johnny Randall said yes it is. He said the Department of Transportation (DOT) does the <br /> 20 mowing, but the power lines are adjacent to the roadside. He said he looks forward to having <br /> 21 more discussions with the utility companies to create a solution that is economical and mutually <br /> 22 beneficial. <br /> 23 Commissioner Marcoplos said a resident recently contacted him about the Duke Energy <br /> 24 sprayers on the edge of her farm, expressing concern. <br /> 25 Johnny Randall said the utility companies contract much of the work out, and the utility <br /> 26 companies may not have as much control as suspected. <br /> 27 Commissioner Price said one used to be able to contact utility companies and request <br /> 28 that pesticides not be used on one's private property, but this may no longer be true. <br /> 29 Johnny Randall said he thinks this is still true, but the landowner would be responsible <br /> 30 for controlling the woody vegetation that interferes with the utilities. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 A motion was made by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> 33 approve a resolution to implement voluntary roadside and utility right-of-way best management <br /> 34 practices that will increase the visibility, enjoyment, and conservation of pollinators and native <br /> 35 plants along the roadways and utility rights-of-way in Orange County and authorize the Chair to <br /> 36 sign. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 VOTE: UNANIOUS <br /> 39 <br /> 40 a. Minutes — None <br /> 41 b. Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget Amendment #4 <br /> 42 The Board approved budget and capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year 2018-19 <br /> 43 for the Health Department; Library Services; Orange County Public Transportation; County <br /> 44 Capital Projects; Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation; Department of <br /> 45 Social Services; and Emergency Services. <br /> 46 c. Resolution of Approval — Conservation Easement on Walker Farm and Approval of <br /> 47 Budget Amendment#4-A <br /> 48 The Board approved a resolution, which is incorporated by reference, to the purchase of and <br /> 49 acceptance by Orange County of an agricultural conservation easement for the Walker Farm, <br /> 50 and approve Budget Amendment#4-A and authorized the Chair to sign. <br />