Orange County NC Website
29 <br /> Go Triangle Board of Monthly 1 Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner <br /> Trustees 3rd Wed-12pm in Marcoplos Marcoplos <br /> Durham <br /> Go Triangle Special Tax Meets every 2 Commissioners Commissioner Commissioner Price <br /> Board January(more required Burroughs <br /> often if needed) in Commissioner Price Chair Rich <br /> Durham at GoT <br /> office <br /> Go Triangle Community 6x per year( 1 Board of County Commissioner Price Commissioner Price <br /> Advisory Committee- assuming they will Commissioners' Liaison <br /> meet at Go T <br /> offices <br /> Healthy Carolinians Meets quarterly Commissioner not Chair Dorosin Commissioner <br /> (3rd Thursdays at required —often same Dorosin <br /> 8:30am) BOCC Member as on <br /> the Board of Health <br /> Orange County Local Quarterly 1 Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner <br /> Government Affordable Required Marcoplos Dorosin <br /> Housing Collaborative <br /> the Collaborative <br /> Intergovernmental Parks Meets 3 times per 1 Commissioner Chair Dorosin— Member- <br /> Work Group year at 5:30pm-on Member Member Commissioner <br /> Wed. 1 Alternate Commissioner McKee <br /> at SHSC Commissioner McKee-Alternate <br /> Alternate- <br /> Commissioner <br /> Bedford <br /> Joint Public Safety Meets as needed 2 Commissioners Chair Dorosin Commissioner <br /> Training Facility Work at ES Commissioner Price Dorosin <br /> Group <br /> Jordan Lake One Water Meets the third 1 Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner <br /> Association- Elected Wednesday of Jacobs Marcoplos <br /> Officials every other month <br /> from 9:00 AM to <br /> 11:00 AM at <br /> TJCOG <br /> Justice Advisory Council Quarterly (Friday 2 Commissioners Commissioner Commissioner <br /> afternoons- Jacobs Dorosin <br /> 3:30pm) in Chair Dorosin Commissioner <br /> Hillsborough Greene <br /> JCPC (Orange County Meets 6-7x per 1 Commissioner Commissioner Chair Rich <br /> Juvenile Crime year(every other Burroughs <br /> Prevention Council) month) <br /> Fridays at noon <br /> LIWG ( Legislative Issues Meets as needed 2 Commissioners Commissioner Rich Commissioner <br /> Work Group) Term -one year Chair Dorosin Dorosin <br /> Commissioner Price <br /> NACo Voting Delegate 1 Commissioner Commissioner Price Commissioner Price <br /> Required (12/2/18) <br />