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26 <br /> 1 Chair Rich said she has found that the County is not consistent with the towns on <br /> 2 several issues regarding housing. <br /> 3 Bonnie Hammersley said County staff meets monthly with the Towns of Chapel Hill, <br /> 4 Hillsborough and Carrboro's Housing Directors and Managers. She said are all aware of this <br /> 5 local program, and there was interest at one time on the part of the Town of Chapel Hill but <br /> 6 there has been a changeover in management. She said staff will continue this conversation. <br /> 7 Commissioner Greene said this particular conversation may only need to include Chapel <br /> 8 Hill, and it would be helpful to have a thorough and thoughtful review of this one policy, with the <br /> 9 involvement elected officials. <br /> 10 Commissioner Dorosin said this is exciting and echoed Commissioner Greene's <br /> 11 comments. He said he would like to come up with another name or acronym for this program, <br /> 12 as OCLRSP is cumbersome. He suggested OCRA: Orange County Rental Assistance, or <br /> 13 something else that is catchy, and easy to market and remember. <br /> 14 Other Commissioners noted that there is already a program with the acronym OCRA <br /> 15 (Orange County Rural Assistance). <br /> 16 Commissioner Dorosin said the point remains, and this program must be promoted. He <br /> 17 said it is a great program. <br /> 18 Commissioner Greene commended all of the hard work that had gone into this program <br /> 19 and policy: <br /> 20 <br /> 21 A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> 22 Board to adopt and authorize the Chair to sign a resolution: <br /> 23 <br /> 24 1) Approving the proposed guidelines for the OC Local Rent Supplement Program; and <br /> 25 2) Authorizing the County Manager to execute the necessary agreement with the Orange <br /> 26 County Housing Authority after consultation with the County Attorney. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 29 <br /> 30 b. County Commissioners: Boards and Commissions Assignments <br /> 31 The Board considered selecting the Boards and Commissions on which Board members <br /> 32 would like to serve going into 2019. <br /> 33 Chair Rich said the Board changed this process last year: the intragovernmental boards <br /> 34 would be 2 one-year terms; and the regional boards would be 4 one-year terms. She said there <br /> 35 are a few other snags that should be reviewed at a later date, but tonight the Commissioners <br /> 36 will just choose boards. She said the reasoning behind the duration of service on the various <br /> 37 boards is due to some boards have large learning curves, and it makes sense to serve longer <br /> 38 than just one year. She said the process starts with the most senior commissioner choosing <br /> 39 first. <br /> 40 Commissioner Bedford said she would like to know the responsibilities and expectations <br /> 41 of some of these boards. <br /> 42 Chair Rich said the Commissioners are liaisons to these boards, and the first <br /> 43 responsibility it to attend the meetings of these boards. She said if one cannot attend, one <br /> 44 should inform the Clerk who would see if anyone else can attend. <br /> 45 Chair Rich said sometimes members give updates during Commissioner comments at <br /> 46 BOCC meetings, or by email if the update is particularly long in nature. <br /> 47 Chair Rich asked if John Roberts would clarify the importance of not having more than <br /> 48 three Board of County Commissioners members at a meeting. <br />