Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 1 current HCV Program screening criteria is less stringent than the Town of Chapel Hill's <br /> 2 screening criteria, as I read in the materials forwarded by Commissioner Greene, unless <br /> 3 additional changes have been made to Chapel Hill's policy since it was adopted. The <br /> 4 proposed LRSP policy, as well as the current HCV policy, allow the flexibility to review <br /> 5 each applicant on a case-by-case basis whereas The Town of Chapel Hill has a more <br /> 6 rigorous, set criminal screening criteria. <br /> 7 The chart below compares the proposed Orange County LRSP policy with the Town of <br /> 8 Chapel Hill's policy: <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Orange County Local Rent Supplement Program <br /> 11 Town of Chapel Hill <br /> 12 • Currently engaged in is defined as any use of illegal drugs during the previous six <br /> 13 months. <br /> 14 • The following chart summaries the exclusionary periods of ineligibility for admissions to <br /> 15 the public housing program, based on criminal activities: <br /> 16 <br /> Table 1: Chart EXCLUSIONARY <br /> summaries the PERIOD <br /> exclusionary periods <br /> of ineligibility for <br /> admissions to the <br /> public housing <br /> program, based on <br /> criminal activities <br /> CRIMINAL <br /> ACTIVITY <br /> Registered Sex LIFE <br /> Offenders <br /> Manufacturing LIFE <br /> Methamphetamine <br /> Felony Drug 10 YEARS <br /> Possession with <br /> intent to sell, <br /> manufacture or <br /> distribute, <br /> trafficking <br /> Felony-Assault 7 YEARS <br /> Felony-Larceny 7 YEARS <br /> Burglary 7 YEARS <br /> Drug Possession 5-7 YEARS <br /> Felony- Fraud 3 YEARS <br /> Misdemeanor- 2 YEARS <br /> Larceny <br /> (shoplifting) <br /> Misdemeanor- 1 YEAR <br />