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22 <br /> 1 A Sponsored-based rental assistance component allows even greater flexibility and could be <br /> 2 used in two (2) different ways in conjunction with the Bond Program and/or HOME Program <br /> 3 where (1) a nonprofit or for-profit entity is developing new housing units or acquiring and <br /> 4 rehabilitating units. The vouchers are portable and would allow use at the new and/or acquired <br /> 5 sites, as well as at other sites owned by the participating non-profit and/or for-profit entities. <br /> 6 Under the (2) strategy, the Sponsor-based vouchers could be awarded to entities that agree to <br /> 7 provide supportive services to applicable tenants housed in their affordable units. <br /> 8 Note that this category of rental assistance will be employed in the future if the new program <br /> 9 receives a substantial investment to allow for its implementation. Staff included it in the initial <br /> 10 guidelines in case non-County funding is received in the near future that would allow for its <br /> 11 implementation. The category being recommended for initial implementation is tenant-based as <br /> 12 the funds appropriated only allow for approximately 15-20 vouchers. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Question 2: <br /> 15 Under the section on Funding Policies and Procedures, is there an error when <br /> 16 describing the OCHA Board as OCHA Board of Commissioners? <br /> 17 Yes that is an error. The section should read "The Orange County Board of County <br /> 18 Commissioners (BOCC) will review and approve all policies, procedures and guidelines, as well <br /> 19 as amendments, revisions or other changes for its new Local Rental Supplement Program. <br /> 20 However, given the experience the Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) has with running <br /> 21 several federally-funded voucher programs, i.e. VASH and the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) <br /> 22 Program, the BOCC will enter into an agreement with OCHA to administer the Local Rent <br /> 23 Supplement Program on behalf of the County. OCHA cannot implement any major policy <br /> 24 changes without the review and approval of the Orange County Board of County <br /> 25 Commissioners but may make minor changes to allow for best practices in the industry to be <br /> 26 incorporated or other minor revisions to ensure a smooth implementation, i.e. application <br /> 27 period, forms of outreach, etc. In addition, the OCHA, from time-to-time, may make <br /> 28 recommendations to the BOCC for other needed changes and/or revisions". <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Page 2 — Responses to Commissioner Greene's Questions <br /> 31 Question 3: <br /> 32 Under the section on Screening &Assessment, what are the assumptions about support <br /> 33 services that these tenants will get? <br /> 34 For the tenant-based and project-based categories, there are no assumptions about the <br /> 35 provision of supportive services that a tenant may receive. Like the federally-funded Housing <br /> 36 Choice Voucher Program, the provision of supportive services is not mandated. This only takes <br /> 37 place with the Permanent Supportive Housing Voucher Program. That is why the statement is <br /> 38 included in the guidelines that "the individual must not require a level of care that is not offered <br /> 39 by the OC Local Rent Supplement Program". <br /> 40 Only the Sponsored-base Category allows for an option to award vouchers to entities seeking <br /> 41 vouchers and also providing supportive services. Note that even in this case, the OC-LRSP still <br /> 42 would not be providing funding for supportive services. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Question 4: <br /> 45 Where are the definitions for homelessness and victim of domestic violence? Is it <br /> 46 included in the document? <br /> 47 The definitions were not included in the document but staff used the definitions from the current <br /> 48 HCV Administrative Plan as it relates to homelessness and victims of domestic violence. These <br /> 49 definitions follow HUD policy regarding homelessness and domestic violence. <br />