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20 <br /> 1 Commissioner Dorosin referred to page 11, and asked if this is that just a change in the <br /> 2 way things get reported, or is there a substantive change in the County's overall fiscal health. <br /> 3 James Bence said in short no, there was no change, but there is a new audit that the <br /> 4 County has to have. He said the State still requires auditors to come in and audit the eligibility <br /> 5 determination, but because it is not part of the County's financial packet, the State requires <br /> 6 agreed upon procedures, which was a separate engagement that the Firm did with the County. <br /> 7 He said the results of this engagement were submitted to the State in October, citing no <br /> 8 instances of determination ineligibility. <br /> 9 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that the way things are done has changed, but the <br /> 10 underlying substantive outcomes shows that everything is in order. <br /> 11 James Bence said yes, in layman's terms. He said the audit is still clean, and the <br /> 12 biggest takeaway would be to know that more of the County's programs are going to be subject <br /> 13 to compliance review now than in the past. <br /> 14 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if these changes added additional expense to the <br /> 15 County for additional audits. <br /> 16 James Bence said yes. <br /> 17 Commissioner Greene referred to page 15, and asked if a cyber security risk <br /> 18 management program is costly to implement. <br /> 19 James Bence said he does not know if he can answer that question. He said the <br /> 20 process starts with a study and it may be able to be handled in house. He said his firm's <br /> 21 greatest emphasis is placed on the County getting a policy in place. <br /> 22 Commissioner Greene said the County would need to commit to having a policy and <br /> 23 then find out how to implement it. <br /> 24 James Bence said yes. <br /> 25 Commissioner Bedford referred to page 20 of the full audit report, and asked if this is <br /> 26 where the Board should be focusing most of its attention. <br /> 27 James Bence said that is the County's budget schedule, and pages 17-20 would be <br /> 28 good schedules to look at. <br /> 29 Commissioner Bedford said it would have been helpful to have these documents in <br /> 30 advance of this meeting, in order to be familiar with them prior to having the presentation. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> 33 Board to approve the audit contract extension per North Carolina General Statute. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 36 <br /> 37 5. Public Hearings <br /> 38 NONE <br /> 39 <br /> 40 6. Regular Agenda <br /> 41 <br /> 42 a. Approval of the Proposed Guidelines for the New Orange County Local Rent <br /> 43 Supplement Program (OC-LRSP) and Approval to Enter into an Agreement with <br /> 44 the Orange County Housing Authority to Administer the New OC-LRSP Utilizing <br /> 45 the Locally-Appropriated Funds <br /> 46 The Board considered voting to adopt a resolution approving the proposed program <br /> 47 guidelines for the new Orange County Local Rent Supplement Program (OC-LRSP); and <br /> 48 authorize the County Manager to execute the necessary agreement with the Orange County <br /> 49 Housing Authority to administer the new Orange County Local Rent Supplement Program (OC- <br /> 50 LRSP). <br />