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19 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 - Statement No. 90, Equity Interests an amendment of GASB <br /> 4 Statements No. 14 and No. 61, is intended to improve the consistency <br /> 5 and comparability of reporting a government's majority equity interest in a <br /> 6 legally separate organization and to improve the relevance of financial <br /> 7 statement information for certain component units. It defines a majority <br /> 8 equity interest and specifies that a majority equity interest in a legally <br /> 9 separate organization should be reported as an investment if a <br /> 10 government's holding of the equity interest meets the definition of an <br /> 11 investment. A majority equity interest that meets the definition of an <br /> 12 investment should be measured using the equity method, unless it is <br /> 13 held by a special-purpose government engaged only in fiduciary <br /> 14 activities, a fiduciary fund, or an endowment (including permanent and <br /> 15 term endowments) or permanent fund. Those governments and funds <br /> 16 should measure the majority equity interest at fair value. Applicable for <br /> 17 June 30, 2020. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 <br /> 21 ■ Other Matters Currently Being Considered by GASB <br /> 22 - Re-Examination of the Financial Reporting Model. GASB has added this <br /> 23 project to its technical agenda to make improvements to the existing financial <br /> 24 reporting model (established via GASB 34). Improvements are meant to <br /> 25 enhance the effectiveness of the model in providing information for decision- <br /> 26 making and assessing a government's accountability. <br /> 27 - Conceptual Framework is a constant matter being looked at by GASB. <br /> 28 Current measurement focus statements (for governmental funds) to change to <br /> 29 near-term financial resources measurement. May dictate a period (such as <br /> 30 60 days) for revenue and expenditure recognition. May expense things such as <br /> 31 supplies and prepaid assets at acquisition. <br /> 32 - Revenue and Expense Recognition is another long-term project where the <br /> 33 GASB is working to develop a comprehensive application model for recognition <br /> 34 of revenues and expenses from non-exchange, exchange, and exchange-like <br /> 35 transactions. <br /> 36 - Conduit Debt. The GASB is looking at improving the definition of conduit debt <br /> 3M77 and determining whether a liability should be reported for these transactions. <br /> 40 Other Changes <br /> 41 - There continues to be changes to auditing standards relative to the conduct <br /> 42 and reporting of Single Audits. This year's financial and compliance audit <br /> 43 recognized the implementation of the new Uniform Grant Guidance (UG), which <br /> 44 included significant changes to cost principles and other requirements for <br /> 45 auditees receiving Federal funds. These changes are driven based on the <br /> 46 grant award date as awarded by the Federal agency. As such, auditors and <br /> 47 auditees will follow requirements from both the "old" and "new" guidance for a <br /> 48 few years to come. <br /> 49 <br />