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15 <br /> 1 - In accordance with AICPA professional standards, M&J is independent with <br /> 2 regard to the County and its financial reporting process. <br /> 3 - There were no fees paid to M&J for management advisory services during <br /> 4 fiscal year 2018 that might affect our independence as auditors. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 General Balance Ratio to Expenditures — chart <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Trend Analysis of Property and Sales Tax Revenue per Capita - Chart <br /> 9 <br /> 10 General Fund Budget to Actual Results for FY 2018 - Chart <br /> 11 ■ General Fund revenues were 2.4% more than the amended budgeted <br /> 12 amount. The actual revenue was over budget due to increased actual <br /> 13 property tax collections. <br /> 14 ■ Expenditures for many functional areas were less than budget by $6.4 million <br /> 15 (2.9%)from the operating budget. Several departments came in under budget <br /> 16 due to personnel vacancies and efforts to spend conservatively. <br /> 17 ■ Budgeted use of fund balance was not needed to the extent anticipated, as <br /> 18 actual revenues and other financing sources exceeded expenditures. <br /> 19 ■ General Fund significant transfers were $1,357,688 to School Capital <br /> 20 Improvement Fund; $320,000 to County Capital Improvement Fund; <br /> 21 $1,426,972 to Solid Waste Landfill Fund; and $864,230 to nonmajor <br /> 22 governmental funds. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Enterprise Results- Chart <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Changes in Single Audit Engagements <br /> 27 Change in reporting of direct benefit payments — removed from Schedule of Expenditures of <br /> 28 Federal and State Awards (SEFSA) <br /> 29 ❖ Previously reported Federal Expenditures of$93.4 million <br /> 30 ❖ Type A program threshold was $2.8 million <br /> 31 ❖ Average 2 federal programs, Medicaid tested every year <br /> 32 ❖ Now reporting Federal Expenditures of$21.9 million <br /> 33 ❖ Type A program threshold now$750,000 <br /> 34 ❖ Testing for 8 federal and 1 state programs in 2018 — SEFSA <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Additional changes in Medicaid: <br /> 37 o Now eligibility testing is required to be performed as agreed upon <br /> 38 procedures engagement; <br /> 39 o Separate from financial/compliance audits for the County; <br /> 40 o Procedures determined by the Office of State Auditor; <br /> 41 o Issued report for the County on October 31, 2018 — no inconsistency reported. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Additional Testing <br /> 44 Local Government Employees Retirement System <br /> 45 • Attestation report issued October 10, 2018 <br /> 46 • Test was performed on employee census data as of December 31, 2017 <br /> 47 • State randomly selects LGERS participants for testing <br /> 48 • Report issued stated the County was providing the significant elements of employee <br /> 49 census data for the year ended December 31, 2017 — no errors noted. <br />