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10 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee said he would support this motion, but he has issues of bringing <br /> 2 resolutions before the Board with language that is so nebulous. He said he does not know how <br /> 3 one can be held accountable for something against which there is no law available. He said <br /> 4 torture is egregious, but he has issues with bringing resolutions that have this type of vague <br /> 5 language and the ultimately become meaningless. <br /> 6 Commissioner Marcoplos said he does not read the word accountable as a legal term, <br /> 7 and asked if this word indicates legal action. <br /> 8 John Roberts said it does not have to indicate legal action. <br /> 9 Commissioner McKee asked if accountable could be more clearly defined. <br /> 10 Commissioner Marcoplos said one can be held accountable in any number of ways. He <br /> 11 said he finds the wording to be fairly clear and straightforward. <br /> 12 Commissioner Greene said this resolution is about events that have already taken <br /> 13 place, where no branch of state government had any interest to investigate. She said a <br /> 14 contractor that ran out of Smithfield was involved in transporting people overseas to be tortured. <br /> 15 She said this is not about holding others accountable to a future law. She said the very well <br /> 16 written and complete can be found online at She said those flying the <br /> 17 plane are just as complicit in the torture as the ones committing the actual torture. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Peggy Misch said she tried to combine this resolution and the Bills Of Rights Day <br /> 22 together and relate these two because the 81" amendment speaks against torture. <br /> 23 Peggy Misch said solitary confinement is a form of torture that is still used today and she <br /> 24 hopes the resolution that just passed can get to Governor Cooper and Attorney General Josh <br /> 25 Stein. She said this resolution is about accountability. <br /> 26 Commissioner Dorosin suggested forwarding the resolution to the Governor and <br /> 27 Attorney General. <br /> 28 Commissioner Greene asked if the resolution could be forwarded to the Johnston <br /> 29 County Commissioners. <br /> 30 Commissioner Price suggested sending the resolution to all the counties across the <br /> 31 state. <br /> 32 Commissioner Price said she forgot one question during the elections presentation, and <br /> 33 said she would like to know the costs of the elections. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 d. Presentation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for FYE 6/30/2018 and <br /> 36 Approval of Audit Contract Extension <br /> 37 The Board received the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal <br /> 38 year ended June 30, 2018 and considered voting to approve an extension to the audit contract <br /> 39 for Mauldin & Jenkins, PLLC. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 BACKGROUND: <br /> 42 The CAFR reports on all financial activity of the County for the fiscal year July <br /> 43 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Mauldin and Jenkins, a firm of Certified Public Accountants, <br /> 44 audited the financial statements. The financial statements, audit and contract extension are <br /> 45 required by Chapter 159-34 of the North Carolina General Statutes. The County prepares a <br /> 46 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) that meets the standards set by the <br /> 47 Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The CAFR is submitted to the GFOA in <br /> 48 order to be awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The <br /> 49 financial report for the Orange County SportsPlex, as required under the management contract, <br /> 50 is included in the County's CAFR. <br />