Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 especially government officials obey the laws of the country is not hate--it is one of the civic <br /> 2 responsibilities of citizens in a democratic republic such as ours. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 It is not an overstatement to say that our governance has been corrupted by foreign nationals of <br /> 5 illegal presence. Illegal immigration is a massive criminal enterprise. That is why a glimmer of <br /> 6 hope appears when newly elected officials take the oath of office committing to support and <br /> 7 maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States. I truly hope that the new <br /> 8 commissioners will resist the pressures that will come to aid and abet, shield and shelter foreign <br /> 9 nationals of illegal presence in our county. In fact, I truly hope they will reverse the corruption <br /> 10 that already exists and restore the principles of lawfulness to our county government. Please <br /> 11 honor your oath of office and, by doing so, also honor the commitments and sacrifices of our <br /> 12 men and women in uniform and our veterans who have always protected and defended our <br /> 13 Constitution and country against enemies foreign and domestic. God Bless the United States <br /> 14 of America. <br /> 15 Robin Jacobs, Eno River Association (ERA) Executive Director, presented the 2019 Eno <br /> 16 River Association calendar to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). She said the <br /> 17 calendar celebrates what others left behind that lived along the Eno River. She expressed <br /> 18 appreciation for the collaboration between Orange County and the ERA. <br /> 19 Bill Ward is a green activist in Orange County and petitioned the Board to comment on <br /> 20 Duke Energy Carolina's latest integrative resource plan. He reviewed other counties that are <br /> 21 carbon free throughout the US: Monterrey Bay Community Power; three counties in California; <br /> 22 Warren Buffet's MidAmerican Energy will be by 2020; Green Mountain in Vermont (90% carbon <br /> 23 free); Washington DC commits to be being 100% carbon free by 2032. He said Duke Energy is <br /> 24 talking about using coal-fired plants into the 2040s, with Duke Energy's emissions factor is <br /> 25 currently 0.7 pounds of carbon dioxide for each kilowatt-hour of electricity generated. He said a <br /> 26 typical family uses about 1000 KW hours/month. He said carbon dioxide is a waste gas from <br /> 27 electricity generation. He asked the Board if it would comment on Duke's energy plan and <br /> 28 advocate for greener solutions. <br /> 29 Chair Rich said the petition will be taken to agenda review, and clarified that there is a <br /> 30 150 day window to make a response to the plan, which was issued in September. <br /> 31 Bill Ward said that it is his understanding. <br /> 32 Craig Carter said, at a previous BOCC meeting, he asked about flying the 4 x 9.6 foot <br /> 33 memorial flag for veterans at a cemetery, and was told he would received a response from the <br /> 34 Board, but has not done so. <br /> 35 Craig Carter also said his parents had a flag flown over the White House in their honor, <br /> 36 and he is no longer able to fly this flag as it is deemed too large by local ordinances. <br /> 37 Craig Carter said his most serious concern is the lack of ambulance services in the <br /> 38 northern part of the County. He said a church member recently died after waiting 8.5 minutes <br /> 39 without oxygen, and the local volunteer firefighters cannot provide medical care. He said he <br /> 40 called 911 from his own house, due to a shooter in the state park next to his house, and <br /> 41 reached Durham County services who transferred him to Orange County, and was ultimately <br /> 42 told no one could respond. He said more services are needed, and asked if an ambulance can <br /> 43 be stationed at St. Mary's road. He said a great deal of money was spent on the fire station, <br /> 44 but there are no plugs to power the ambulance. <br /> 45 Commissioner McKee referred to the response time from Meadowlands, and said the <br /> 46 ambulances were likely stationed somewhere else in the County at the time he called. He said <br /> 47 he would follow up about the St. Mary's Road station. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br />