Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 1 Address to the OC BOCC <br /> 2 December 18, 2018 <br /> 3 <br /> 4 My name is Riley Ruske, I am a United States Citizen and a Veteran. Almost 50 years ago 1 <br /> 5 took an oath of office to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all <br /> 6 enemies, foreign and domestic: that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same". My sense <br /> 7 of duty and patriotism is renewed every time I hear newly elected county commissioners take <br /> 8 the oath of office to "support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and <br /> 9 the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith". Inherent in both oaths <br /> 10 is the duty to protect and preserve the sovereignty of the United States of America. It is also <br /> 11 my strong hope that these officials make this oath with a true commitment of their hearts and <br /> 12 minds and not just as a minor formality to enter office. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 There has been a lot of talk in recent years about foreign influence in our elections and <br /> 15 governance. Most of this talk expresses outrage about foreign nation-states such as Russia, <br /> 16 China, North Korea, and others. Our Congress and special counsels conduct politicized <br /> 17 hearings and investigations into these activities but it is really just pathetic and dangerous <br /> 18 political posturing. The United States government has interfered in foreign elections and <br /> 19 governance for decades; from Radio Free Europe to funding of resistance/dissident groups to <br /> 20 imposing sanctions to putting in place leaders like Noriega, Castro, Hussein and others. It is <br /> 21 only to be expected that other nation-states would try the same things against the United <br /> 22 States. Many of the same members of our government who rage against interference in our <br /> 23 country are the same ones who sit on Congressional committees or in bureaucracies like the <br /> 24 State Department and spy agencies which authorize U.S. interference in foreign governments. <br /> 25 Their outrage is hypocritical at best and even dishonest in the presentation to the American <br /> 26 citizens. Thankfully, because we still have a fairly open society, the efforts of these foreign <br /> 27 nation-states don't have much if any effect. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 However, there is a real existential danger of foreign influence in our country. A recent Yale <br /> 30 and MIT University study shows that there are more than 20 million foreign nationals of illegal <br /> 31 presence in our country. Not only do these illegal aliens cost United States Citizens taxpayers <br /> 32 hundreds of billions of dollars each year, they exert incredible influence in our elections and <br /> 33 governance at all levels. They actually distort the allocation of members of the House of <br /> 34 Representatives thereby depriving our own citizens of their rightful representation in <br /> 35 government. We have seen political candidates pledge everything from amnesty to citizenship <br /> 36 to these illegal aliens as part of their campaigns to win office. A recent past president even <br /> 37 basically gave 2 million of them amnesty after stating multiple times that he could not legally do <br /> 38 so. Some government office holders are even working to give these foreign nationals the right <br /> 39 to vote in local elections and to hold office in local government. Our very own Senators Burr <br /> 40 and Tillis and Congressman Price all support the illegal alien movement. Recently the Orange <br /> 41 County 9--County Manager Hammersley, County Sheriff Blackwood, and all seven <br /> 42 Commissioners--Dorosin, Rich, Burroughs, Jacobs, Marcopolos, Mckee and Price--acted to <br /> 43 provide U.S. Citizen taxpayer funds to aid and abet, shield and shelter illegal aliens in Orange <br /> 44 County. Even more recently, Sheriff Blackwood put our families and children at risk by <br /> 45 releasing convicted illegal alien child molesters into our county instead of turning them over to <br /> 46 ICE for deportation. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 No doubt some people will call these comments racist or hateful. Such comments would come <br /> 49 out of ignorance or dishonesty. National citizenship is the legal identification of affiliation or <br /> 50 allegiance to a nation-state. It has nothing to do with race. Requiring that individuals and <br />