Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> 1 Commissioner Marcoplos said the other issue is the Rail Operations and Maintenance <br /> 2 Facility, ROMF, which has raised a lot of concerns from neighbors, with the issue of sound <br /> 3 being the most talked about. He will ask Jeff Greene to send the Board of County <br /> 4 Commissioners a memo on this issue. He said the noise may not be as loud as people expect. <br /> 5 Commissioner Marcoplos said there are several negotiations on going as the deadline at <br /> 6 the end of December approaches. He said there are discussions with the railroads, as much of <br /> 7 the route runs near the railroads. <br /> 8 Commissioner Marcoplos said his experience of being on the GoTriangle board is that <br /> 9 staff is working overtime and very hard on this project; and this is because the state imposed <br /> 10 schedule on the project, as well as the funding decreases made by the General Assembly. <br /> 11 Commissioner Marcoplos said things are moving forward, and there is a greater grasp <br /> 12 on the details and agreements than the media has led on. <br /> 13 Commissioner Marcoplos said he said GoTriangle will be releasing their responses from <br /> 14 Duke soon. <br /> 15 Commissioner Price asked if there is an update about the Blackwell station. <br /> 16 Commissioner Marcoplos said it is being worked on and there is great effort being made <br /> 17 to make it bike/pedestrian accessible. He said there will have to be some type of resolution by <br /> 18 the deadline. He said it is hard to understand in what all the concerns are rooted, and this is <br /> 19 the murkiest issue in his opinion. <br /> 20 Travis Myren said when the state imposed the funding limitations Durham agreed to pick <br /> 21 up the $57 million gap. He said approval will be needed to amend the changes to the cost <br /> 22 share agreement, likely in January or February. <br /> 23 Chair Rich asked if the City of Durham will be voting on the ROMF tonight. <br /> 24 Commissioner Marcoplos said yes. He said the Chapel Hill Town Council considered it <br /> 25 the other night, and the discussion was informative. He said the Council will bring it back next <br /> 26 week, and while many issues were raised, the staff did recommend approval. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> 29 John Roberts said the legislature ratified two bills today: one for increased economic <br /> 30 development incentives, and the other for hurricane relief. He said the big item that has <br /> 31 everyone's attention is voter ID, and this is in House committee. He said the Senate approved <br /> 32 the bill, and one can listen to this on the Ethics and Election Committee website. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 11. *Appointments <br /> 35 <br /> 36 a. Appointments to the Orange County Justice Advisory Council — DONE ABOVE <br /> 37 <br /> 38 12. Information Items <br /> 39 <br /> 40 • November 13, 2018 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> 41 • Tax Collector's Report— Numerical Analysis <br /> 42 • Tax Collector's Report— Measure of Enforced Collections <br /> 43 • Tax Assessor's Report— Releases/Refunds under $100 <br /> 44 <br /> 45 <br /> 46 13. Closed Session <br /> 47 NONE <br /> 48 <br /> 49 14. Adjournment <br /> 50 <br />