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22 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> 3 approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Discussion and Approval of the Items Removed from the Consent Agenda <br /> 8 <br /> 9 e. Award of Blackwood Farm Park Professional Services Agreement <br /> 10 The Board considered voting to approve and authorize the Manager to execute an <br /> 11 Agreement with Susan Hatchell Landscape Architecture, PLLC for park pre-construction design <br /> 12 and engineering services to secure permits, conduct engineering work, and create construction <br /> 13 drawings and specifications for bid documents for Blackwood Farm Park. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Chair Rich said she pulled this to make a point that the Board is doing what it said it <br /> 16 would do, and this is an "all women"job. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 A motion was made by Chair Rich, seconded by Commissioner McKee to approve and <br /> 19 authorize the Manager to execute an Agreement with Susan Hatchell Landscape Architecture, <br /> 20 PLLC for park pre-construction design and engineering services to secure permits, conduct <br /> 21 engineering work, and create construction drawings and specifications for bid documents for <br /> 22 Blackwood Farm Park. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 25 <br /> 26 g. Efland Sewer System — Transfer of Ownership to City of Mebane <br /> 27 The Board considered voting to transfer ownership of the Efland Sewer utility <br /> 28 infrastructure to the City of Mebane and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 h. Orange County/Orange Alamance Water System (OAWS) Efland Sewer Billing and <br /> 31 Town of Hillsborough / Orange County Efland Sewer Treatment Agreement <br /> 32 Resolution and Termination Action <br /> 33 The Board considered voting to approve a resolution recognizing two entities for <br /> 34 collaborating with Orange County and recommend actions to terminate the 1988 agreement <br /> 35 with Orange Alamance Water System (OAWS) for sewer billing and the 1987 Town of <br /> 36 Hillsborough/Orange County agreement for sewer treatment of the Efland Sewer system since <br /> 37 the City of Mebane will be assuming those roles before the end of 2018. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Price said she pulled these two items to make sure the customers have <br /> 40 all of the information. <br /> 41 Craig Benedict, Planning Director, said the Efland sewer system transfer of ownership <br /> 42 from the Efland system that flows to Hillsborough, will eventually flow to Mebane and be part of <br /> 43 their ownership. He said the Orange Alamance Water System has been the billing agent for <br /> 44 Efland customers, and this will continue in the short term in order to accommodate a seamless <br /> 45 transfer. He said since Mebane will be the owner, the treatment costs will be funded through <br /> 46 the sewer bills. He said staff has created a brochure for customers, and this transfer has been <br /> 47 promoted for 18 months. He said another brochure is being created for those who may wish to <br /> 48 build a new house in Efland. He said item H says monies will no longer need to be sent to <br /> 49 Hillsborough for sewer treatment, as Mebane will be doing this. <br />