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21 <br /> 1 David Stancil said none of these are within the existing budget, and he said the range <br /> 2 would be an additional $125,000-$300,000. <br /> 3 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that staff is seeking the authority to submit information <br /> 4 to the Hillsborough Historic District and to continue discussions. He asked if this is possible <br /> 5 without the BOCC having to make decisions about the stage and funding. <br /> 6 David Stancil said staff would like to continue the conversations with the stakeholders <br /> 7 and with the Historic District Commission (HDC). He said the question has been raised as to <br /> 8 whether there is another site on the location that would be better for a stage. He said these <br /> 9 details need to be worked out, and staff can go to the Historic District Commission without have <br /> 10 all the details hammered out. <br /> 11 Commissioner Greene referred to the cost, and asked if there is a possibility to work <br /> 12 with private funders. <br /> 13 David Stancil said yes, and staff is actively pursuing this. <br /> 14 Commissioner Marcoplos said most of the events that he has seen at the park have <br /> 15 been elevated, and asked if there has there been a discussion about building an elevated <br /> 16 stage. <br /> 17 Marabeth Carr, DEAPR, said this has been discussed, but it must be ADA compliant, <br /> 18 and the higher the stage, the more expensive it is to make it compliant. She said several <br /> 19 scenarios will be presented to the HDC, and staff will ask for approval to build the maximum, <br /> 20 but may only be able to actually build the minimum. She said some height would also help to <br /> 21 further avoid flooding issues. <br /> 22 Commissioner Bedford asked if there were restrooms, would they be available during <br /> 23 the daytime. <br /> 24 Marabeth Carr said this would need to be decided, but public restrooms are often <br /> 25 vandalized at parks. <br /> 26 David Stancil said there are restrooms in the back of the District Attorney's building, but <br /> 27 these are only open when the pavilion is in use. He said restrooms would need to be winterized, <br /> 28 and are tend to avoid vandalism when there is an active on-site staff presence, which there <br /> 29 would not be at this location. <br /> 30 Marabeth Carr said performers would like restrooms at the stage. She said the ADA <br /> 31 access is logical not only for those with disabilities, but also for those with strollers, bikes, etc. <br /> 32 She said the bus stop shelter will be paid for by transportation funds, and this stop will require a <br /> 33 retaining wall to support it, which makes it more expensive than a standard bus stop. <br /> 34 Chair Rich referred to the Gateway Art, and asked if it is known who will be on this <br /> 35 committee. <br /> 36 Katie Murray said it is herself and members of Arts Commission, Peter Sandbeck, <br /> 37 Marabeth Carr, Stephanie Trueblood from the Town of Hillsborough, and Todd Stabely, who <br /> 38 owns the home where the historic tree fell. She invited the Commissioners to be involved as <br /> 39 well, if interested. <br /> 40 Chair Rich asked if Katie Murray would send an all email about this to the BOCC. <br /> 41 The Board agreed by consensus for staff to proceed with this process. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 <br /> 44 8. Consent Agenda <br /> 45 <br /> 46 • Removal of Any Items from Consent Agenda <br /> 47 Chair Rich removed Item e <br /> 48 Commissioner Price removed Items g and h <br /> 49 <br /> 50 • Approval of Remaining Consent Agenda <br />