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17 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 In order to inform the general public of this opportunity to provide input and comments, as well <br /> 3 as encourage participation, notices were placed in The Herald-Sun and La Noticia newspapers. <br /> 4 Copies of the notice were also sent to local non-profit agencies and placed on Orange County's <br /> 5 website. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that applications are out and waiting to be received, but <br /> 8 this evening only focuses on the big plan. <br /> 9 Sherrill Hampton said yes the identified needs for the year, as every year they must <br /> 10 update the annual action plan, which includes any new projects that come out of the <br /> 11 recommended applications approved by the BOCC and each jurisdiction. <br /> 12 Commissioner Price said it was advertised in the Herald Sun, and asked if any ads were <br /> 13 placed in the News of Orange County. <br /> 14 Sherrill Hampton said no, and noted that an interpreter is present this evening for <br /> 15 anyone who needs those services. <br /> 16 Commissioner Price suggested that the ads also go into the News of Orange, as it is <br /> 17 widely read in Hillsborough and the northern part of the County. <br /> 18 Commissioner Price referred to the priorities, and said housing for seniors was not listed <br /> 19 as a high priority. She asked if this referred to past priorities, or to future ones as well. <br /> 20 Sherrill Hampton said senior housing is a high priority need in the consolidated plan, as <br /> 21 well as housing for the disabled. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 24 Corey Root, The Partnership to End Homelessness (PTEH) Coordinator, expressed <br /> 25 thanks to the BOCC for its support of the PTEH. She said a large function of the PTEH is <br /> 26 coordinating services among all the various providers. She said in 2016-17, the PTEH mapped <br /> 27 the local homelessness system to determine a gap analysis. She asked if the BOCC would <br /> 28 consider the homeless system gaps when looking over the consolidated plan and HOME funds. <br /> 29 She said the two highest priority gaps are a rapid rehousing program (housing subsidy plus <br /> 30 services), and income based rental units. <br /> 31 Delores Bailey, Executive Director of EmPowerment, invited the BOCC to the <br /> 32 EmPowerment fundraiser at The Franklin Hotel this Saturday. She acknowledged her support <br /> 33 for the plan that Sherrill Hampton has brought forth, especially the 15 vouchers that will go to <br /> 34 low-income residents. She also mentioned the great needs in the County, including several <br /> 35 mobile home parks whose residents are facing displacement. She said HOME dollars will likely <br /> 36 be needed to help address this problem. She is in favor of maximizing dollars as much as <br /> 37 possible. <br /> 38 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the Tar Heel mobile home park is located south of the <br /> 39 Homestead/MLK intersection. <br /> 40 Delores Bailey said yes, it is on MLK across from Pinnacle Bank. <br /> 41 Chair Rich said there are 12 units that the developer wants to get rid of at the front of <br /> 42 the mobile home park, and plans to rebuild the gas station and a storage facility. She said <br /> 43 there will be space for 5 units to remain. <br /> 44 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the Home group would reach out to Corey Root, and <br /> 45 other providers, about the needs she mentioned, and to ensure that the funding application <br /> 46 process is publicized and understood. <br /> 47 Sherrill Hampton said the rapid re-housing fund this year was in to be leveraged against <br /> 48 the local voucher program. She said an application has been submitted to the State, and are <br /> 49 waiting to hear if funding was received. <br />