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12 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 WHEREAS, Habitat is not just building new homes, it is also working with existing homeowners <br /> 3 to help them stay in their homes and improve the look and feel of entire neighborhoods; and <br /> 4 <br /> 5 WHEREAS, since forming in 1984, Habitat for Humanity of Orange County has built or repaired <br /> 6 608 homes as of June 30, 2018; <br /> 7 <br /> 8 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> 9 expresses its deep appreciation, gratitude and respect to Susan Levy for the services provided <br /> 10 throughout the community under Ms. Levy's leadership for the people of Orange County. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 This the 3rd day of December 2018. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 A motion was made by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> 15 Board to approve the attached resolution expressing deep appreciation to Susan Levy for her <br /> 16 service to the people of Orange County, and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution on behalf <br /> 17 of the Board. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 d. Voluntary Agricultural District Designation — Multiple Farms <br /> 20 The Board considered applications from eight (8) landowners/farms to certify qualifying <br /> 21 farmland within the Caldwell, Cedar Grove, Schley/Eno, and Cane Creek/Buckhorn Voluntary <br /> 22 Agricultural Districts; and vote to enroll the lands in the Orange County Farmland Preservation <br /> 23 Voluntary Agricultural District program. <br /> 24 Gail Hughes, Soil Conservationist, presented this item and reviewed brief farm <br /> 25 descriptions on the farms: <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Brief Farm Descriptions: <br /> 28 1) Owners Bryant and Nancy Walker have submitted an application to enroll two (2) parcels of <br /> 29 land totaling 72.25 acres as qualifying farmland for the Voluntary Agricultural District program <br /> 30 (VAD) in the Caldwell Agricultural District. The farm operation includes livestock, pasture, hay <br /> 31 crops, and managed woodland. The farm has been evaluated against each of the VAD <br /> 32 certification requirement standards and meets or exceeds all of the measures above. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 2) Owner Charles Blalock has submitted an application to enroll one (1) of parcel of land <br /> 35 totaling 89.81 acres as qualifying farmland for the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) program <br /> 36 in the Caldwell Agricultural District. The farm operation includes livestock, pasture, hay crops, <br /> 37 and managed woodland. The farm has been evaluated against each of the VAD certification <br /> 38 requirement standards and meets or exceeds all of the measures above. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 3) Owners Walter and Tammy Havener have submitted an application to enroll one (1) parcel of <br /> 41 land totaling of 30.0 acres as qualifying farmland for the Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) <br /> 42 program located in the Caldwell Agricultural District. The farm includes hay crops and managed <br /> 43 woodland. The farm has been evaluated against each of the VAD certification requirement <br /> 44 standards and meets or exceeds all of the measures above. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 4) Owners of Latta's Egg Ranch, Paul, Mark, and Frank Latta, have submitted an application to <br /> 47 enroll nine (9) parcels of land totaling 569.53 acres as qualifying farmland for the Voluntary <br /> 48 Agricultural District (VAD) program in the Schley/Eno Agricultural District. The farm operation <br /> 49 includes poultry, beef cattle, pasture, hay crops, and managed woodland. The farm has been <br />