Orange County NC Website
where hydrologic controls are integrated into a site's design to mimic the predevelopmenC <br />hydrologic conditions. <br />c. Air quality — Orange County has recently been included as part of an air quality non - <br />attainment area for ground level ozone, The primary reason for this air quality problem is <br />vehicle emissions and regional increases in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT). Through an <br />improved pattern and density of development combined with the use of mass transit and <br />improved vehicle technologies, further degradation of air quality can be limited. <br />d, Open space /minimum lot size — Open space and minimum lot size requirements can be <br />used together to protect farmland, wooded areas, floodplains, and other areas of environmental <br />significance. As development continues in rural and urban areas, it is important to preserve <br />open space to reduce the negative impacts of development on the environment and landscape, <br />e. Economic and equity — Rural Enterprises zoning amendments to promote the rural economy. <br />Economies of both urban and rural areas can be improved through increased activity within the <br />county's Economic Development Districts, <br />3. Watershed technical studies <br />A technical study has been completed for the Upper Neuse River Basin that includes <br />recommendations for the protection of water quality. Recommendations include lowering <br />residential density and utilization of Low Impact Design (LID) techniques. <br />Attachment 4 - Letter from Craig Benedict to County Manager and BOCC dated <br />September 3, 2004 <br />Attachment 5 — Density recommendations comparison, Upper Neuse Watershed <br />Management Plan and Orange County Planning Staff (TO BE DISTRIBUTED AT <br />MEETING) <br />4a. Orange CountylTown of Hillsborough Urban Transition Area Task Force <br />The first meeting of the Task Force was conducted on September 23, 2004. The Task Force <br />discussed its Mission Statement, product, and Staff introduced current conditions and past <br />research relating to public utilities, transportation, and recreation /open space lands, The next <br />meeting of the Task Force has been scheduled for October 20, 2004. <br />Attachment 6 — September 23, 2004 Task Force Agenda <br />4b Efland /Mebane Small Area Plan <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners is recruiting citizen volunteers for the New <br />Efland /Mebane Small Area Plan Task Force. This taskforce will evaluate the existing Land Use <br />Element of the County's Comprehensive Plan, as it pertains to the Efland /Mebane Area. <br />Attachment 7 — Public Service Announcement <br />