Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> PROCLAMATION OF RECOGNITION ON <br /> CHAPEL HILL HIGH SCHOOL WINNING 2018 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP <br /> IN MEN'S SOCCER <br /> WHEREAS, on November 17, 2018, the Chapel Hill High School Men's Soccer <br /> Team won the North Carolina High School Athletic Association's <br /> 3A State Championship; and, <br /> WHEREAS, under the guidance of Coach Jason Curtis, the team won its fifth state <br /> championship and second in a row; and <br /> WHEREAS, through hard work, dedication, teamwork and commitment, the team <br /> brought honor upon themselves, Chapel Hill High School, the <br /> Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools District and Orange County; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, be it proclaimed that the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners expresses its sincere appreciation and respect for the <br /> Chapel Hill High School Men's Soccer Team and Coach Curtis for <br /> their outstanding achievement, and their inspiration to youth across <br /> North Carolina through their dedication, teamwork and athletic <br /> prowess. <br /> This the 22nd day of January 2019. <br /> Penny Rich, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />