Orange County NC Website
Fire Department Fee Schedule Town of Chapel Hill,NC <br /> 10 <br /> OPERATIONAL PERMITS DESCRIPTION TERM 2018-19 <br /> PERMIT FEE <br /> permit is issued shall require a new permit <br /> Tire Rebuilding Plants To operate and maintain a tire rebuilding plant 365 days $50 <br /> Waste Handling To operate wrecking yards,junk yards and 365 days $50 <br /> waste material-handling facilities <br /> Wood Products To store chips, hogged material, lumber or 365 days $50 <br /> plywood in excess of 200 cubic feet <br /> 2018-19 <br /> CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION TERM PERMIT <br /> PERMITS FEE <br /> Note:All permit fees include plan review <br /> Note: Plans that are not code-compliant after second review will incur an additional$100.00 per review <br /> fee <br /> Beginning work or maintaining an operation requiring any permits adopted by the Town of Chapel Hill <br /> without obtaining the proper permit(s) shall double the permit fee. <br /> A stop work order shall be issued until payment is receive and permit issued. <br /> Automatic & Manual Installation, modification, or removal from service of a <br /> Fire-Extinguishing sprinkler, standpipe system, or other Kitchen Suppression <br /> Systems or Alternate Automatic Extinguishing System <br /> Sprinkler Systems <br /> Tier 1 0 - 999 sq. ft. $50 <br /> Tier 2 1,000 - 2,499 sq. ft. $75 <br /> Tier 3 2,500 - 9,999 sq. ft. $100 <br /> Tier 4 10,000 -49,999 sq. ft. $200 <br /> Tier 5 50,000 or more sq. ft. $300 <br /> Standpipe Systems $300 <br /> Automatic Extinguishing Systems $50 <br /> Battery Systems Installation of stationary storage battery systems having a $200 <br /> liquid capacity of more than 50 gallons <br /> Install, repair, abandon, remove, place out of service <br /> Compressed Gas (temporarily), close, or substantially modify a compressed <br /> Systems gas system when the amount of compressed gases in use $200 <br /> or storage within the system exceeds the amounts listed in <br /> Table 105.6.8 of the 2012 NC Fire Code <br /> Installation of or alteration to outdoor stationary cryogenic <br /> Cryogenic Fluids fluid storage system where the capacity exceeds the $200 <br /> amount listed in Table 105.6.10 of the NC Fire Code <br /> 5 of 7 11/09/2018, 10:23 AM <br />