Orange County NC Website
Sugaested Next Phase for the Animal Shelter Operations Task Force <br />The Animal Shelter Operations Task Farce is scheduled to meet on September 30~h, The Task <br />Force's proposed agenda includes an update on transitional activities since July 1, a report on <br />the Transitional Operating Procedures Manual far the Orange County Animal Shelter, an update <br />on Governance/Management issues pending before the BOCC, including a preview of the <br />proposed Advisory Board structure and preliminary thoughts on a process for relocating the <br />Shelter, <br />It is suggested that the next phase for the Task Farce would be a transition from formal Task <br />Force to informal focus group that could assist in two specific tasks: helping to generate <br />applications, or become candidates, for appointment to the Animal Services Advisory Board and <br />offering feedback and guidance to the Advisory Board and BOCC in a design review process for <br />the relocated Animal Shelter, <br />Draft Plan and Timeline for Establishing the Animal Services Department and Completing <br />Transition to the New Organization <br />Attachment 5 is an updated Transition Timeline, <br />Key Decisions Targeted for Consideration by the BOCC (Target Date: November 3) <br />• Approval to establish a new Animal Services Department effective March 1, 2005 <br />• Approval to establish the Animal Services Director Position effective January 1, 2005 <br />• Approval to transfer Animal Control personnel, inventory, and assets from the Health <br />Department to the Animal Services Department effective March 1, 2005 <br />• Approval to create an Animal Services Advisory Board effective March 1, 2005 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The FY 2004-05 Approved Budget provided appropriations for both the <br />Animal Control Division and the Animal Shelter, including the Animal Services Director position, <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): If the Board so chooses, it may act on the key decisions outlined <br />above at this meeting, or direct staff to schedule them for consideration on November 3. <br />