Orange County NC Website
Rule 5. Order of Business <br />Items shall be placed on the agenda according to the order ofbusiness. Generally the <br />order ofbusiness shall be: <br />• Adoption of an agenda <br />• Approval of the minutes <br />• General public comments <br />• Unfinished business <br />• New business <br />• Informal discussion <br />Rule 6. PresidinL Officer <br />The Chair of the Board shall preside at Board meetings if he or she is present. The Chair <br />shall have the right to vote in all cases.. In order to address the Board, a member must be <br />recognized by the Chair. If the Chair is absent, the Vice-Chair shall preside. If both the <br />Chair and Vice-Chair are absent, another member designated by vote of the Board shall <br />preside.. <br />The presiding officer shall have the following powers: <br />• To rule motions in or out of order, including any motion patently offered for <br />obstructive or dilatory purposes; <br />• To determine whether a speaker has gone beyond reasonable standards of courtesy in <br />his remarks and to entertain and rule on objections from other members on this <br />ground; <br />• To entertain and answer questions of parliamentary law or procedure; <br />• To call a brief recess at any time; <br />• To adjourn in an emergency. <br />A decision by the presiding officer under any of the first three powers listed may be <br />appealed to the Board upon motion of any Board member, immediately after such <br />decision is announced and at no other time. The Board member making the motion need <br />not be recognized by the Chair and may not be ruled out of order. <br />Rule 7. Action by the Board <br />The Board shall proceed by motion, except in the case of elections of officers that shall <br />proceed according to the rules established in that section of these Rules of Procedure. <br />Any Board member including the Chair may make a motion. <br />Rule 8. Adoption by Maiority Vote <br />A motion shall be adopted by a majority of the votes cast, a quorum being present. A <br />majority is more than half of those present. <br />Rule 9. Quorum <br />A majority of the currently appointed Board members (excluding vacant seats) shall <br />constitute a quorum. A majority is more than half. The Chair shall be considered a <br />member of the Board in determining the number on which a majority is based and in <br />counting the number of Board members actually present. A Board member who has <br />withdrawn from a meeting without being excused by majority vote of the remaining <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />