Orange County NC Website
i~ <br />majority of members. A calendar of regular meetings will be established at the last <br />regular meeting of the calendar year for the next calendar year. <br />The requirements of the North Carolina Open Meetings L,aw, NC General Statute 14.3- <br />.318,9 et seq., shall apply to all Board and regular or ad hoc committee meetings. <br />Notification of the public will be in compliance with open meeting law notification <br />requirements.. <br />Rule 2. Special, emergency and recessed meetings <br />a. Special meetings <br />Special and emergency meetings of the Board or its committees maybe called as <br />provided by and following the procedures of the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. <br />b. Recessed (adjourned) meetings. <br />A properly called regular, special or emergency meeting maybe recessed or adjourned to <br />a specific time and place by a motion made and adopted as provided in these Rules of <br />Procedure in open session during the regular, special, or emergency meeting. The motion <br />shall state the time and place when the meeting will reconvene, No further notice need <br />be given of such a recessed properly called meeting, <br />Rule 3. Agenda <br />a. Proposed agenda. <br />The Secretary and at least one other Board officer shall prepare an agenda and meeting <br />notices for' proper distribution, A request to have an item of business placed on the <br />agenda must be received by the Secretary at least three working days before the meeting, <br />Each Board member shall receive a copy of the proposed agenda and any relevant <br />materials for' each agenda item at the meeting and they shall be available for public <br />inspection and/or distribution when they are distributed to the Board members. <br />b. Adoption of the agenda. <br />As its first order of business at each meeting, the Board shall discuss and revise the <br />proposed agenda and adopt ur agenda for the meeting. The Board may by majority vote <br />add items to or subtract items from the proposed agenda. If items are proposed to be <br />added to the agenda, the Board may, by majority vote, require that written copies of <br />particular documents connected with the items be made available at the meeting to all <br />Board members. <br />Rule 4. Public Address to the Board <br />Any individual or group, who wishes to address the Board shall when reasonably <br />possible, makes a request to be on the agenda to the Board's secretary. The Board shall <br />detem~ine at the meeting whether it will hear the individual or group and how much time <br />to allot to each speaker,. <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />