Orange County NC Website
III . PROJECT APPLICATION <br /> A . The Application for Federal Assistance bearing the same project number as the agreement <br /> and associated documents is by this reference made a part of the agreement . <br /> B . The Applicant possesses legal authority to apply for the grant , and to finance and construct <br /> the proposed facilities . A resolution , motion or similar action has been duly adopted or <br /> passed authorizing the filing of the application , including all understandings and <br /> assurances contained herein , and directing and authorizing the person identified as the <br /> official representative of the Applicant to act in connection with the application and to <br /> provide such additional information as may be required . <br /> C . The Applicant has the ability and intention to finance the non-Federal share of the costs <br /> for the project . Sufficient funds will be available to assure effective operation and <br /> maintenance of the facilities acquired or developed by the project . <br /> IV . PROJECT EXECUTION <br /> A . The State and the Applicant mutually agree to perform this project agreement in <br /> accordance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 , as amended (78 <br /> State 897 ) ; with the terms , promises , conditions , plans , specifications , estimates , proce - <br /> dures , maps and assurances submitted in conjunction with the project proposal for this <br /> agreement ; and with the terms and conditions of the Manual . <br /> Be The Applicant agrees to execute and complete the project in accordance with the time <br /> schedule set forth in the approved project proposal . Failure to render satisfactory progress <br /> or to complete this or any other project that is the subject of federal assistance under this <br /> program to the satisfaction of the State or the Director may be cause for the suspension <br /> of all obligations of the State under this agreement . <br /> C . Construction contracted for or performed by the Applicant shall meet the following <br /> requirements : <br /> 1 . Applicants shall follow state law awarding contracts for construction . <br /> a . Contracts for construction in excess of $ 50 , 000 require the use of the <br /> formal bid procedure . <br /> b . Contracts for construction of $ 5 , 000 to $ 50 , 000 require the use of the <br /> informal bid procedure . <br /> 2 . Contracts for construction shall comply with the provisions of 43 CFR Part 12 , <br /> Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to <br /> State and Local Governments , <br /> 3 . Contracts for construction shall comply with the Office of Management and <br /> Budget Circular No . A - 87 , Cost Principles for State and Local Governments . <br /> Page - 3 - <br />