Orange County NC Website
3 . Properties shall be kept reasonably safe for public use . Fire prevention , life <br /> guard services , and similar activities shall be maintained at levels reasonable to <br /> prevent loss of the lives of users . <br /> 4 . Buildings , roads , and other structures and improvements shall be kept in <br /> reasonable repair throughout their estimated lifetime , so as to prevent undue <br /> deterioration and not to discourage public use . <br /> 5 . The facility shall be kept open for public use at reasonable hours and times of the <br /> year , according to the type of area or facility . <br /> E . Availability to Users . Property acquired or developed with assistance from the Fund shall <br /> be open to entry and use by all persons , regardless of race , color , creed , national origin , <br /> age , disability or residence who are otherwise eligible according to reasonable published <br /> rules applicable to the property involved . <br /> F . Reasonable Use Limitations . The Applicant may impose reasonable limits on the type and <br /> extent of use of areas and facilities acquired or developed with Fund assistance when such <br /> a limitation is necessary for maintenance or preservation . Thus , limitations may be <br /> imposed on the number of persons using an area or facility or the type of users , such as <br /> hunters only or hikers only . All limitations shall be in accord with the applicable grant <br /> agreement and amendments . <br /> G . Use of Proceeds of Sales . The proceeds of the sale of assisted areas and facilities must <br /> be held by the State or the Applicant and be disposed of only in accordance with a plan <br /> approved by the Director . <br /> VIII . GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> A . Conflict of Interest <br /> 1 . No official or employee of the Applicant who is authorized in his official capacity <br /> to negotiate , make , accept , or approve , or to take part in such decisions regarding <br /> a contract or subcontract in connection with this project shall have any financial <br /> or other personal interest in any such contract or subcontract . <br /> 2 . No person performing services for the Applicant in connection with this project <br /> shall have a financial or other personal interest other than his employment or <br /> retention by the Applicant in any contract or subcontract in connection with this <br /> project . No officer or employee of such person retained by the Applicant shall <br /> have any financial or other personal interest in any real property acquired for this <br /> project unless such interest is openly disclosed upon the public records of the <br /> Applicant , and such officer , employee or person has not participated in the <br /> acquisition for or on behalf of the Applicant . <br /> 3 . No member of or delegate to Congress shall be admitted to any share or part of <br /> this agreement , or to any benefit to arise here from , unless such benefit shall be <br /> in the form of an agreement made with a corporation for its general benefit . <br /> Page - 10 - <br />