Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 3, 2009 <br /> Approved January 11, 2010 <br /> recycling . They certainly support the county ' s recycling objectives . From a resident' s <br /> perspective they are cost effective and practical . It looked to us that curbside service <br /> for garbage and recycling work best for households that have short driveways and <br /> paved roads . <br /> At this time residents oppose services and fees . As you can see it' s not just because of <br /> the economy but because it is also impractical . I think people will pay a fee for <br /> something they value . We suggest that if the cost for the convenience centers is too <br /> high that the county should look at cutting nonessential hours or services rather than <br /> cut centers . <br /> We wondered if there were other opportunities that could improve effectiveness, <br /> meaning improve recycling rates or cut garbage ? One thought is more education . We <br /> are lobbying that there should be another entrance or exit at Ferguson only because <br /> we had trouble with accessing it when handing out surveys . It was kind of dangerous <br /> compared to the beautiful facilities elsewhere in the county . Someone sent us a note <br /> about adding a convenience center in the northern part of the county . <br /> From a perspective of where we stand as an organization, because I guess you all <br /> know there is going to be a meeting on the 15th of the BOCC and we will be asking for <br /> Bradshaw Quarry to be kept open . We hope that the solid waste work group will <br /> recommend that. We know that there is some work being done to see how to fund <br /> that. We are also going to suggest other ways to cut cost than cutting a center . We <br /> also feel that if new fees are coming, we think they are, that before the county adds <br /> curbside recycling, a $38 fee for all residents, we would like to see the county put the <br /> entire picture on the table of all the possible new fees and services they are going to <br /> add for residents so we put the whole thing together . So if we are going to be getting <br /> a $50 or $100 convenience center fee then maybe that is better than curbside recycling <br /> but maybe we don' t need to add all of that. I am sharing with you what we as a <br /> community group will be asking the commissioners for on the 15th. <br /> Sassaman states that questions will come first from the table and then the audience . <br /> Vickers states that I am not surprised at the results . <br /> Hauser asks does that mean it is what you expect of the residents <br /> Vickers states that I expect that the survey would get those answers . Zero pay or zero <br /> dollars is what most people would put down on a survey . <br /> Hauser states that they did more than whine about costs . They said it was not <br /> practical . <br /> 6 <br />