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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 3, 2009 <br /> Approved January 11, 2010 <br /> compliments about the convenience center service and the people and how they work <br /> with the residents . They like the convenience centers for recycling . <br /> This was something that our statisticians did . They took a look at the data to see if <br /> people were just complaining about fees . What they found was when they looked at <br /> the characteristics of the respondents whether it was short driveways, paved roads, <br /> type of road - State or county, and whether or not their driveway was. paved it <br /> seemed to influence their response . [The next part refers to the statistical significance <br /> of the responses : ] The results mean that there is some internal coherence in the <br /> responses . It wasn' t just a bunch of rural residence complaining about fees . <br /> Then we asked them a bunch of questions about funding . One of the work group <br /> issues is funding. How do we keep a sustainable source of funding for the <br /> convenience centers ? Almost 95 % agreed that the convenience centers provided a <br /> valuable service . Most of them believed -76 % - that everyone should fund them, 10 % <br /> believed that only the rural households should fund them and 10 % believed that only <br /> the users of the convenience centers should fund them . I have to qualify this because <br /> remember only rural residence answered the survey so I don' t know that they can <br /> speak for in-town residents . You would have to do another survey for in-town <br /> residents . <br /> People are not so fond of PAYT . Eighty-two percent said they don' t want to pay it. <br /> Eighty-three percent said they wouldn ' t pay it and they said it again when we asked <br /> how much would they be willing to pay and we gave them different ranges in terms <br /> of how much . One of the things that we asked them was how would PAYT impact <br /> recycling . Only 14 % thought it would improve recycling . Most thought it would <br /> increase illegal dumping, burning, and illegal use of commercial dumpsters like when <br /> rural folks take their garbage to work and throw it out. We also asked about other <br /> fees, just to see, general opposition to gate fees . We offered low numbers and 89 % <br /> refused to pay a gate fee, 63 % refused an annual fee and 24 % would pay an annual fee <br /> of $50 . They don' t like any of the fees but they dislike access fees the least. <br /> In the comments there were some reccurring themes . These are comments that either <br /> came from emails or just people talking to us . One was " Aren' t we already paying for <br /> these in our taxes ? " They are very complementary about the convenience centers . <br /> People asked about the schedules . With the schedule cuts, we didn' t hear a lot of <br /> complaints about the schedule cuts but people wondered why the schedule cuts have <br /> to all be the same and all the convenience centers had to be on the same schedule . <br /> People also commented about convenience centers being a place where people go to <br /> ity centers for the rural residents . <br /> meet. They are commun <br /> To close the conclusions we draw from the survey we think the convenience centers <br /> are an essential part of the county ' s service to the rural residents for garbage and <br /> 5 <br />