SWAB minutes 120309
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 120309
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:44:54 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:43:51 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 3, 2009 <br /> Approved January 11, 2010 <br /> every convenience center . It could be like Wake County and have quarterly events . <br /> Wake County once a quarter has pickup for tires, yard waste and other things . <br /> Then we started to get into future services and fees . The first question we wanted to <br /> know in the spirit of waste franchises is are people interested in having private <br /> haulers pick up their trash . You can see that about 60 % of people oppose it and about <br /> 20 % were undecided . Fifty-five percent said it was impractical . It' s not just because <br /> of money; it is impractical because they had long driveways and other things . But <br /> when we asked the question about cost the opposition went up to over 80 % . You can <br /> see that people seem to be semi- open to the idea until you raise the cost. This was not <br /> about franchise . We never mentioned franchising fees . We only asked them about <br /> the $250 / year or more that they would actually pay for the trash pickup . <br /> Then we talked about curbside recycling . This gives a profile of the kinds of services <br /> people use for recycling . Sixty percent use convenience centers alone . A lot of people <br /> use a combination and 25 % of our respondents use curbside recycling . What we <br /> found interesting of all the folks that use curbside recycling half of them only use <br /> curbside recycling and the rest use curbside recycling in combination with other <br /> services . So curbside recycling by itself doesn' t seem to be sufficient. The <br /> convenience centers far and away if you put it together 73 % of them use the <br /> convenience centers . <br /> We really tried to take a look at curbside recycling . Only 344 of our households <br /> actually had access to curbside recycling . When we looked at those households we <br /> said how many of you actually use the service ? The answer was 60 % use and 40 % <br /> don' t use it. That is consistent with the county ' s own experience . The County says <br /> about 60 % that have it available use it. Then we wanted to know if you didn' t use it <br /> why not. Far and away most of them said they didn' t use it because the convenience <br /> centers did it for them . They took their recycling to the convenience centers while <br /> they were at it. <br /> Then we asked them more about should the county extend curbside recycling and <br /> fees . It shows that residents in general are opposed to expanding curbside recycling <br /> and fees but even when we looked at the responses of the 344 people that get it they <br /> are still divided . So even if you get it you are not still clear that you want it. My <br /> opinion is the magic word is mandatory . I don' t know if that is affecting that. When <br /> asked about expanding the service only 23 % say we should expand the service . <br /> Look at this m contrast to how people feel about convenience centers . When you ask <br /> about convenience centers overwhelmingly over 905 of the folks like their <br /> convenience centers . It is a good service, people like it and they have pretty strong <br /> opinions about it. I would also add that in the comments you will see a lot of <br /> 4 <br />
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