Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting d <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Bo <br /> December 31 2009 <br /> Approved January 11, 2010 <br /> ous of ho <br /> Hauser states that I am cull vv this will affect your opinion in terms of what <br /> services the county will rec <br /> ommend for the unincorporated area . Did the survey <br /> influence your opinion? rite work group <br /> Sassaman states that the place for it to become effective is the solid n ou are welcome <br /> an one wants to offer if it has changed their opinion Y <br /> and not here . If Y <br /> to speak up . <br /> Vickers states that the solid <br /> waste task [work] group is a product of the Orange <br /> ' a product that was to include political jurisdi tions <br /> coon <br /> County Commissioners . It is p <br /> Chapel Hill . Some of the members have to be <br /> ty <br /> Hillsborough, Carrboro and p <br /> residents . The way ' was designed doesn t say there will be unincorporated hen it was put <br /> representatives <br /> That was one specific group that wasn t iden <br /> together as a group ? loners and by staff <br /> Commiss <br /> Sassam <br /> an states that they are represented by the County towns e represented by elected <br /> and b the SWAB members , just as each of to l representation 1/4 to each In as much <br /> Y <br /> officials , staff and SWAB members . It is an equal <br /> as people want to attend . <br /> Vickers not <br /> es that the issue is how many people attend . <br /> Sassaman states that this is a g <br /> ood time to segue into the solid waste plan since we <br /> of that group . <br /> have been talking about the purpose <br /> complete Solid Waste Plan Pollock states that there are two <br /> b . Discussion of Schedule to and <br /> that are integrated with each other . One is than <br /> things that we need to focus on one 2006 and <br /> m the State of NC to complete a solid waste 10 year p <br /> statutory obligation from ittal . The <br /> three ears . The updates were due June 2003b, m <br /> update that plan every Y t we have done the <br /> June 2009 . We are about five moms out- of-date from our recent <br /> update could be <br /> something as simple as an interim pl it that <br /> e Saymuch about <br /> cycles with not very much substance to it that doesn' t stalemating � terms of <br /> last couple of <br /> how to <br /> move towards the stated goals . There has been there has been continual work <br /> some of the issues . At the same time , at the stafflevel helped move towards the incremental <br /> done to move towards the 61 % goal which has So the <br /> Work needs to be finished just to <br /> goal of 50 % waste reduction of the last couour real intent is to come up with a <br /> meet our statutory obligation on the p an 61 % waste reduction, <br /> integrated solid waste plan that meets our goals,as a fiscal perspective * <br /> comprehensive de on the dollar bill <br /> and show <br /> s how to get there from a financial perspective both the shade <br /> When we talk about sustainability we have to gi beisustainable financially as well as <br /> and the ecology flag . So the plan would have to onin <br /> the Work group . <br /> environmentally . That challenge has been <br /> 12 <br />