Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> December 3 , 2009 <br /> Approved January 11, 2010 <br /> Hauser states that the survey said even if you use curbside services you still use the <br /> convenience centers . <br /> Taylor states that to Gayle' s point earlier that the utilization is different. You might <br /> get a different response when you think about which services are important to them at <br /> the convenience centers . As a staff member thinking about how we serve the citizens <br /> I recognize and value the perspective the survey provided, I just want to acknowledge <br /> that I don t think that it represents everyone, I don' t think you would say so either, it <br /> doesn' t represent the opinion of the entire unincorporated community . <br /> Hauser states that no [it doesn' t] but I think there is a philosophical question that we <br /> had within ourselves about the convenience centers that puts it in the same category <br /> as libraries, schools and other services, that people that don t use schools and don t <br /> use libraries still pay for them and still feel like that is part of the community . The <br /> community needs some way to handle its garbage that we all pay taxes for . If you <br /> live in town, curbside service cost a little more to deliver and serve, which makes <br /> sense . In the rural community convenience centers make more sense and they are a <br /> little bit cheaper . I don t think anybody wants them for free, that' s my opinion, but <br /> people think they are paying for it now . <br /> Guild states that I think that it [the survey] pretty much accomplished the goal <br /> upfront. It wasnt supposed to be representative of the entire county . It was just <br /> supposed to bring more of a voice to the rural residents into the picture . I don' t think <br /> anybody came into this thinking this was going to be a comprehensive survey of all <br /> county residents . <br /> Vickers states that it was obviously designed to get the unincorporated areas <br /> perspective and that' s what it got. It truly doesn' t represent those in the incorporated <br /> areas . <br /> Sassaman concurs . It would have been a lot stronger had it looked at some of the <br /> others . Some of you all have mentioned that there are other purposes of going to the <br /> convenience centers . My first and primary purpose is to take things that I think <br /> somebody can use to the [salvage] shed . <br /> Hauser asks what is the role of SWAB in relation to the solid waste work group . Does <br /> this group have any input on the work group or what is your opinion on extending <br /> ide recycling or fees ? <br /> franchises or curbs <br /> Sassaman states that the members of the SWAB are ad hoc members the solid waste <br /> work group . However the solid waste work group is a group that is represented <br /> by <br /> all of the governmental jurisdictions that will sign the plan that we are working on. <br /> 11 <br />