Orange County NC Website
Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> November 5, 2009 <br /> Approved December 3, 2009 <br /> BJ' s comment is an important one . We have sent a letter to the Board asking that the <br /> work group, we don' t understand the work group from the rural community <br /> perspective because it seems that the timing is wrong . Right now we have cut <br /> schools, we' ve cut all kinds of budgets and to be talking about spending millions of <br /> dollars on convenience centers maybe in 5 years from now but certainly it is not <br /> something you will get a respective response from the community for a while . We <br /> wonder if there should be a moratorium on the kind of major infrastructure and we ' ve <br /> asked for a moratorium on infrastructure, improvements for solid waste until a waste <br /> transfer station or whatever we are going to do is decided and the routes are set. We <br /> are years away from that. That' s a real question of how much money are we going to <br /> spend on this . <br /> There is notion about how much money people will spend for garbage . If you wanted <br /> to take $100 from people do you want to take it to pay for the convenience centers, <br /> ide garbage pickup . I don' t think there is an endless <br /> curbside recycling or curbs <br /> nity to pay for solid waste services . Not that we don' t value it. <br /> budget in the commu <br /> It feels to me that there is a little bit of conflict in how the convenience centers are <br /> viewed . I realized from the solid waste department it is a system of garbage and <br /> recycling . In the rural communities, Eubanks not so much, but in the other ones they <br /> are community centers . You meet your neighbors there . People have their kids <br /> dumping garbage, they are helping with recycling . They are community centers and <br /> we kind of like it that way . It is something to look at in terms of how you plan this . <br /> Sassaman states that I hear you particularly on the latter issue . One thing about your <br /> issue of recycling other things, that is something that I didn' t bring up as one of the <br /> advantages of the convenience centers because they provide a place where you can <br /> take batteries, electronics, grease etc . those are things that you can' t economically pick <br /> up in a single stream system because they mess up the system . You can do it at the <br /> convenience centers because you are self hauling it. <br /> Guild states that there is another thing that goes on at the convenience centers which I <br /> think is cool, where you can take things you may not need anymore - the salvage <br /> sheds . When I take things there they' re gone, immediately . That' s a real community . <br /> Frank Tozzolina [citizen] states that I live in the rural area near Dodson s Crossroads . <br /> My driveway is 300 ft. long, gravel uphill . I' m relatively young compared to some <br /> that live in the area . I can' t image someone who is in their 70s, 80s or with poor health <br /> managing to get a trash bin with wheels up the driveway . You were talking about <br /> havingience gravity fed at the convenience centers, it is the same for rural people . We are <br /> dealing with gravity and we are dealing with distance on gravel roads . It is <br /> unthinkable to think that there might be mandatory garbage pickup at the end of my <br /> driveway and me having to pay for that. I might as well get a private hauler and pay <br /> 8 <br />