SWAB minutes 110509
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Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 110509
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:43:51 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:43:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> November 5, 2009 <br /> Approved December 3, 2009 <br /> Sassaman states that the issue of equity may be what the Commissioners need to <br /> discuss . We all have different views of equity . Having the convenience centers <br /> means there is less likely to be litter on the roads . <br /> Tipton states that what I got from the meeting was I thought it was interesting that the <br /> PAYT discussion first came forward from Carrboro and Chapel Hill and when the <br /> county put it on the table to do it at the convenience centers, there was back pedaling . <br /> Because if the County does it first and they' re not on board, they will experience the <br /> pressure from that. <br /> The purpose of discussing franchise is basically flow control . Flow control is <br /> important if there is a destination to control the flow to and we don' t. I see it as <br /> chasing our tails or tackling it a little too soon and may be a waste of time, given there <br /> are other things that could be looked at. With expanding curbside recycling - go for <br /> it. <br /> I ' ve heard a lot of interesting things on the convenience centers . I still hold to the <br /> feeling that it would be helpful to find out what users want. Gravity fed, more <br /> centers, more hours - there could be more locations with fewer hours, some with <br /> gravity feed that some people may be willing to drive to . I think that funding is an <br /> issue . I ' ve heard a lot of interesting things . First I was sold on they need to be <br /> equitable, but then I heard the library and school analogy and I feel like the equity <br /> issue isn' t so much an issue . <br /> There is a tendency to keep adding things to our plate before coming to a decision. I <br /> see it a lot with this process . It' s great what we have done and what' s happening but I <br /> it manageable, make some decision and move forward . The next <br /> caution to keep <br /> ial recycling whether it is in or out of the <br /> thing that I see is to separate out commerc <br /> county and make that a separate layer . <br /> Smith asks what is the difference in cost of running the convenience center on Walnut <br /> Grove Church Rd . and the drop -off at Hampton Pointe . Can we afford the unmanned <br /> centers ? <br /> Pollock states that the costs of the convenience centers are pretty well defined . It is <br /> about $2 . 1 million for garbage and recycling this year . There is probably a couple of <br /> hundred thousand from the 3 -R Fee . On the unstaffed sites it is a little difficult to <br /> tease out the precise number because the guys that run those routes also do a lot of <br /> other work that is related to other pieces of recycling . On a per ton cost it is one of . our <br /> less costly efforts even with cleaning all five sites every day using a 1/2 of a staff <br /> person s time . Close to 1 / 3 of our tons come from drop off sites and SWCCs, even <br /> when we brought mixed paper and cardboard to curbside, tonnage did not decrease . <br /> 6 <br />
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