SWAB minutes 060309
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060309
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:41:51 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:40:59 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3, 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> Wilson states that the County manager indicated at a previous meeting from her <br /> perspective a possible preference for a lease situation rather than an acquisition. <br /> There has been no negotiation with the Town so we don' t know what they will <br /> demand nor has the BOCC spoken on the issue . I would suspect that the site will be <br /> from the bridge at the buffer of that stream including the rest of the triangle because <br /> the site buffers and stream buffers would encumber the transfer station. <br /> Sassaman asks assuming that what would be the acreage . <br /> Sallach states that it' s about 18 acres . There really haven ' t been any discussions about <br /> what would transpire . <br /> Pollock asks regarding all the blue stream lines, the reason being Millhouse takes a <br /> sharp bend from north going back east it shows a stream crossing under the road but <br /> in fact I don' t know if it is piped underneath that meadow . That is not a perennial <br /> stream . I don ' t know what defines the ' blue line' . It' s wet occasionally . <br /> Sallach states that in terms of looking at these on site the county has looked at these <br /> and these are steams and would require stream buffers . That' s been confirmed to us . <br /> This mapping is from the GIS system . <br /> Pollock asks if the current GIS drives the stream buffer requirements . <br /> Sallach replies that it does and then we confirm that in this particular case the on-site <br /> streams are correct. The County has to determine that. <br /> As you look at this site our evaluation is this is a very good site worthy of further <br /> consideration in comparison with the 56 site . Some of our recommendation is based <br /> on its location. The economics we see from the transfer and hauling evaluations, we <br /> think there are ways 'n the design and layout to mitigate the environmental impacts, <br /> so when you look at the combination of technical strengths, mitigation of some of the <br /> environmental aspects of it, this site could be developed to meet the criteria that the <br /> Commissioners have laid out. <br /> Sassaman asks in the original screening did you look at any other sites that were ruled <br /> out because they were county-owned or the wrong size or anything . I understand <br /> there is a county-owned site above my finger (pointing at the map on west side of <br /> Millhouse at where it takes a dogleg left over the RR tracks) . If that is true, being <br /> adjacent to the landfill that might have some operational amenities . <br /> Wilson states that there is a good deal of land that is owned in that vicinity [indicates <br /> on the map the areas around the Millhouse / Millhouse intersection at stop sign and <br /> RR tracks] . Town of Chapel Hill has bought the property between the Town <br /> 9 <br />
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