SWAB minutes 060309
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060309
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:41:51 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:40:59 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3 , 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> Bowerman states when looking at this I notice how parallel to Millhouse it all is . Is it <br /> possible to bring it around the other direction on the other side of the parking lot, so <br /> that there is less truck driving really close to the people who live there ? <br /> Sallach states that there is a bridge there that has an angle you could follow the tree <br /> line, [but a concern is] maintaining added queuing distance in front of the scales . It is <br /> something that could be looked at. The one thing that I think that would be difficult <br /> to do is to push it further this way [east] given the 100 ft buffer that is required at that <br /> point. <br /> Guild asks if the scales could be placed at the top of the storage area instead of the <br /> bottom . <br /> Sallach states that what we would like to do is have the scales so that the inbound <br /> provides no crossing of traffic . Inbound is in the right hand lane outbound is also the <br /> same way you come out so by the time you look at the collection vehicles coming in <br /> and you look at the transfer trailer tractors the issue we would have would be the <br /> tractor trailer traffic and weighing those and getting them back . There is about a 20 ft <br /> differential between this level and this level . We will be at building grade to get into <br /> this station on the high side here . You almost have to pick a point before you begin <br /> the grade separation and put the scales in . <br /> Pollock asks if the elevation would work to the advantage of having the loading area <br /> below the transfer floor with that 20 ft. slope . <br /> Sallach states that you have to look at the topo of the site . I think the whole thing, <br /> even with the 20 ft. elevation, we 've got some relief on the site that allows us to drop <br /> the total projection of the transfer station down to where you may be looking at a one <br /> level rather than a two level . <br /> Vickers states going back to the railroad tracks, it' s elevated, wouldn' t that provide <br /> somewhat of a sound barrier ? <br /> Sallach replies yes . <br /> Wilson states that in response to the question of swinging around the other way, it <br /> might be possible that if the Board wishes to pursue the site, we could consult with <br /> the County Planning department to determine whether there are ways to have <br /> waivers or exceptions to that 100 ft. buffer and bump it up toward the interstate some . <br /> That wouldn' t bother the interstate . Even 50 ft. could help the residents . <br /> 4 <br />
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