SWAB minutes 060309
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Solid Waste Advisory Group
SWAB minutes 060309
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Last modified
1/14/2019 4:41:51 PM
Creation date
1/14/2019 4:40:59 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Minutes - Regular Meeting <br /> Solid Waste Advisory Board <br /> June 3, 2009 <br /> August 6, 2009 <br /> Pollock states that if it is the F . A . C . E . project, Duke University project to study carbon <br /> dioxide flux, no it is about a mile and a half from that. These are basically <br /> photovoltaic solar collectors . <br /> Yuhasz asks are there any other sites other than the 3 . 5 acres on the landfill that might <br /> be suitable . <br /> Pollock states that this seemed from our perspective the best location in terms of its <br /> stability and lack of other uses and out of the traffic . <br /> Sassaman states that we don' t know enough to say " yea " or " nay " . We would like to <br /> hear from them and ask them some of these questions directly . <br /> Landfill Leachate Sezver Project Wilson states that the sewer is up and functioning . We <br /> are pumping leachate into it. The leachate basin has been dismantled and filled in <br /> and will serve as part of the site for the landfill gas recovery system . <br /> Scavenging at Recycling Drop -off Sites Pollock states that over the years the issue of <br /> scavenging has come up several times . It has come up again as an issue at the <br /> unstaffed drop -off sites . There are several people who have been dumpster diving <br /> and scavenging paper from the drop - off sites which leads to the concern of identity <br /> theft. Staff is of the mind to recommend a path that makes any sort of scavenging and <br /> picking out of any bin for any reason illegal under County ordinance . Currently it is a <br /> little grey area legally . It is clear at the convenience centers that policy has been made <br /> for safety and liability that no one can go into a dumpster and get anything . <br /> Sassaman states that when we discussed this about five years ago wasn' t the <br /> conclusion that the ordinance declared any material put into a county recycling <br /> facility was county property . <br /> Smith concurs . <br /> Norwood states that the person that does the coupon thing it upsets people when <br /> they 've put papers into the container and this person is rummaging through it. I don' t <br /> know how you would enforce other than having people tell . I agree on diving in but <br /> where we left it was if it was hanging outside and you could get it without touching <br /> the dumpster it was fair game . <br /> Wilson states that there has been some fairly clear feedback and we hope to bring an <br /> ordinance revision to the Commissioners in the Fall . <br /> Other Wilson states that at the meeting on May 14th the Town of Chapel Hill raised <br /> the question as to whether we had properly coordinated with their staff regarding <br /> 18 <br />
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